
When phenol neurolysis is performed appropriately, the benefits can last for 6 to 12 months. The use of phenol for this purpose is widely approved by insurance carriers. Compared to chemodenervation with BTX, phenol neurolysis has a longer duration of action and may show a cumulative effect. In addition, phenol is inexpensive.

Neurolysis with phenol is a painful procedure. In addition, if a sensory nerve is treated, approximately 15% of adults and 5% of children will develop dysesthesias. The age difference appears to be predominant because children do not complain as often as adults. Dysesthesias are a particular problem with mixed sensory and motor nerves.

Compared to injections of BTX, children treated with this methodology often require general anesthesia. Notably, skill is required to perform neurolysis since the phenol must be injected into a motor point. Lastly, phenol injections require a significant time commitment on the part of the injector. 

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