25th Anniversary of ICNA and 8th ICNA Congress (September 13–17, 1998, Ljubljana)

  • Event: 25th Anniversary of ICNA and 8th ICNA Congress
  • Dates: September 13–17, 1998
  • Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • Participants: Approximately 920 attendees from all continents
  • Notable Attendance: Largest number to date of child neurologists from the former USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe

Program Highlights

  • Chairman of the Program Committee: Dr. Hugo Moser
  • Program Content: Rich fare of symposia, plenary sessions, platform papers, and posters covering every aspect of the field

Key Lectures and Awards

  • Frank Ford Memorial Lecture: Dr. Jean Aicardi
    • Topic: ‘Epilepsy, the hidden part of the iceberg’
  • John Stobo Prichard Award: Dr. Ingrid Tein (Toronto)
    • Topic: ‘The impact of fatty acid oxidation disorders in child neurology’

Important Sessions

  • Focus: The need for simple treatments for epilepsy in children in Africa and other countries with social dislocation, poverty, and extremely young populations

Opening and Closing Ceremonies

  • Opening Ceremony: Included a pictorial review of the first 25 years of the ICNA
  • Closing Ceremony: Dr. N. Paul Rosman (Boston) delivered a spectacular illustrated history of child neurology from Hippocrates to the present

Publications and Proceedings

  • Congress Proceedings: 'New Developments in Child Neurology' edited by the congress president, Dr. Milovoj Velickovic Perat
    • Format: Available at the meeting as a book with a lovely view of Ljubljana on the cover
    • New Developments in Child Neurology, M. Velickovic Perat (ed.), Monduzzi Editore, Bologna (1998)

Cultural Events

  • Classical Concert: Thrilling performance
  • Entertainment: Folk dancers and other performances

Satellite Symposia

  • Locations: London, Venice, Ljubljana, Bled, Vienna, Budapest, and Istanbul
  • Topics: Modern methods of investigation in child neurology, neuromuscular disorders, Rett syndrome, rehabilitation, and pediatric behavioral neurology

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