Joint Congress of ICNA and AOCNA 2002
The 9th International Child Neurology Congress and The 7th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology
September 20–25, 2002, Beijing, China

Dear Colleagues, Dear friends, Distinguished Guests and Leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen: Today the 9th International Child Neurology and the 7th Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Joint Congress opens in Beijing in the season of golden autumn. I am honored on behalf of the congress organizers to extend my sincere welcome to all participants from 72 countries and regions around the world, and to extend my warm welcome to all special guests, outstanding leaders, and to all contributors.

The opening of the Congress coincides with the beginning of a new century, following ‘the decade of the brain’ which saw rapid development in information technology and biological sciences. In the year 2000, for continuing remarkable achievements of neuroscientists of the last century, three more neuroscientists were awarded the Nobel Prize. Today the structure of the human brain and its profound mysteries are being revealed one step at a time. Neuroscience will take its place in the forefront of the biological science of this new century, and moreover, the 21st century is then the ‘era of the brain’.

Concurrent with the progress of world’s economy, big changes can be seen in the spectrum of pediatric illnesses. Along with rapid progress in molecular biology, astounding progress has been made in developmental neuroscience, neurogenetics, neuroimaging, and many other aspects. They greatly promoted clinical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and habilitation for child neurology diseases. Child neurology, with reciprocal and mutual advancement of other related sciences, has become even stronger. Child neurology is increasingly receiving the attention and respect of medicine in every country. At the same time, we, child neurology clinicians, confront new difficulties everyday. How should we prevent the developmental brain damage? How do we guarantee the optimum development of the brain? How can we apply new findings to benefit our patients from the great achievements in Human Genome Project? I believe that at this Congress we will have a great deal of information exchange on topics of mutual interest.

Every country’s child neurology has a history that is worthy of remembrance. Over several decades, several generations of child neurologists have committed themselves to this field. Surmounting difficult struggles, these dedicated individuals have by their efforts personally established child neurology as a recognized discipline, and started and promoted international academic exchanges. Then and only then today’s worldwide child neurology did develop. We will not forget the contributions of them, and especially that their contributions for the progress of science were directed toward a single goal: ‘better health and quality of life for the children of the world’. Their contribution has inspired subsequent generations of young scientists to think beyond the obvious, to stretch contemporary ideas into the future. I am happy today there are several generations of child neurologists seated in this hall. Welcome you. The bright future will belong to all of you.

Today, you have come to Beijing, China. China’s population is 1.2 billion, of which 0.4 billion are children under the age of 18. China’s culture goes back to thousands of years, and its people have a fine tradition of making friends with, and learning from other countries. Now we also want to make our own even greater contributions to the world. After several generations of effort, and through the help given to us by many of you, today child neurology in China has made progress. The very fact that we can host this congress in Beijing makes us proud indeed, and provides us with excellent opportunity to learn from each other.

At this time, I want to thank especially the chairman of the scientific program committee of this Congress. Professor Yoshiyuki Suzuki, through his enormous efforts and the efforts of the committee members, we have planned an outstanding program with a rich academic content including the newest discoveries of child neurology. There are lectures by many world famous child neurologists and neuroscientists. I know we will all surely reap a great harvest.

On behalf of local organizers I would like to express my sincere thanks for the help and friendship from the entire Board of ICNA/AOCNA; for the contributions from all of the organization and company sponsors, and from all of our colleagues. The new century is filled with challenges, we deeply feel the weight of the responsibilities on our shoulders, and each of us has the obligation to exert our best efforts in this new century. Child neurology today occupies an important place in the field of medicine. How will it develop in the future? We are filled with confidence and hope, for the future of world child neurology. Let us together put forth our greatest effort. I wish great success for this congress, and health and happiness to all participants. Please enjoy!

  • Congress Leadership

    • Congress President: Professor Xi-Ru Wu
    • Secretaries: Yu-Wu Jiang, Xin-Hua Bao
  • Local Organizing Committee Members

    • Qing Lin
    • Fang Cheng Cai
    • Jiong Qin
    • Dao Kai Sun
    • Li Wang
    • Virginia Wong
  • International Scientific Program Committee

    • Chair: Professor Yoshiyuki Suzuki
    • Members:
      • Paul Casaer
      • Darryl C. De Vivo
      • Philippe Evrard
      • Natalio Fejerman
      • Shaul Harel
      • Veena Kalra
      • Qing Lin
      • Hugo Moser
      • Milivoj Velickovic Perat
      • Kazuyoshi Watanabe
      • Virginia Wong
      • Xi-Ru Wu
  • Highlights

    • First worldwide international child neurology congress held in China.
    • Over 120 well-known speakers invited to give lectures.
    • High academic level of lectures and presentations.
    • Both scientific and social programs were highly appreciated by participants.

Satellite Meetings

Update in the Understanding and Management of Epilepsy

  • Organizer: Professor Pongsakdi Visudhiphan
  • Location: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Date: September 18–19

Autism/Neuromuscular Disorders

  • Organizer: Professor Virginia Wong
  • Location: Hong Kong, China
  • Date: September 18–19

International Symposium on Developmental Pediatrics

  • Organizer: Professor Xiaoming Shen
  • Location: Shanghai, China
  • Date: September 18

Rett Syndrome Satellite Meeting

  • Organizers: Professor Sakkubai Naidu, Professor Xi-Ru Wu
  • Location: Beijing, China
  • Date: September 20

Organization Sponsors

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
  • Japanese Society of Child Neurology (JSCN)
  • The North American Medical Association, Hong Kong (NORAM)
  • Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF)
  • International Rett Syndrome Association (IRSA)

Company Sponsors

  • Janssen-Cilag, Johnson and Johnson (Golden sponsor)
  • Nestle (China) Ltd.
  • Wyeth–Ayerst (China) Ltd.
  • Sanofi–Synthelabo Minsheng (China)
  • SHS North America (USA)
  • Keyi Pharmaceutic Co Ltd., Hubei (China)
  • Seikagaku Corporation (Japan)

Scientific Program

Saturday, Sept. 21, 2002

Morning Seminars (07:30–08:20)

  • Nutrition and Developing Brain
    • Hans Demmelmair (Germany): Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in perinatal nutrition: functional outcomes
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
    • Fang-Cheng Cai (China): Progressive understanding of the pathogenesis of Guillain–Barre´ syndrome
    • Robert Ouvrier (Australia): Advances in childhood neuropathy 2002

Keynote Lecture (08:30–09:00)

  • Yoshiyuki Sakaki (Japan): Human genome project and its medical implications

Plenary Lecture 1 (09:00–09:50)

  • Michael Johnston (USA): Clinical disorders of brain plasticity

Topic Update 1 (09:50–10:30)

  • Yan Shen (China): Disease gene hunting in China
  • David R. Colman (USA): The CNS synaptic junction: evolution, architecture, and plasticity of an adhesive device

Symposium 1 (15:30–18:00) Pathogenesis and Prevention of Prenatal and Perinatal Brain Damage

  • Wei-Song Shan (USA): Structural and functional studies on cadherins, synaptic adhesion molecules
  • Philippe Evrard (France): Basic mechanisms and prevention of prenatal brain damage
  • Akihisa Okumura (Japan): Neurophysiological analysis of periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants
  • Akira Oka (Japan): Pathogenesis, plasticity, and prevention of perinatal brain damage

Symposium 2 (15:30–18:00) Neuromuscular Disorders

  • Ching H. Wang (USA): The molecular genetics of spinal muscular atrophy: recent progress and therapeutic implication
  • Ikuya Nonaka (Japan): Recent advances in congenital muscular dystrophies
  • Salvatore Di Mauro (USA): Mitochondrial myopathies
  • Ingrid Tein (Canada): Lipid storage myopathies

Symposium 3 (15:30–18:00) Molecular Basis of Neurological Diseases in Children

  • Edwin H. Kolodny (USA): Identification and characterization of novel mutations of the aspartoacylase gene in non-Jewish patients with Canavan disease
  • Natte Raksadawan (Thailand): Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD)
  • Masafumi Matsuo (Japan): Duchenne muscular dystrophy: from gene diagnosis to molecular therapy
  • Jaak Jaeken (Belgium): Signal transduction defects: an emerging family of genetic encephalopathies
  • Yoshikatsu Eto (Japan): Gene therapy/cell therapy for genetic neurological disorders

Symposium 4 (15:30–18:00) Epilepsies and Related Disorders in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence

  • Yu-Wu Jiang (China): Seizure-induced brain injury in immature rat: short term and long term
  • Federico Vigevano (Italy): Idiopathic focal epilepsies in infancy
  • Natalio Fejerman (Argentina): Benign focal epilepsies in childhood and adolescence
  • Jean Aicardi (France): Myoclonic epilepsies in childhood
  • Antonio V. Delgado-Escueta (USA): Lafora’s progressive myoclonus epilepsy: clinical and genetic advances

Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002

Morning Seminars (07:30–08:20)

  • Case Discussion
    • Xiang Cai, Yu-Wu Jiang, Xin-Hua Bao, Ying-Hua Zou, Jiong Qin (China): Cerebral vascular malformations: intravascular interventional therapy
    • Yushiro Yamashita, Ikuko Kondo (Japan): Atypical Rett syndrome
  • Ethics and Brain Death
    • Stephen Ashwal (USA): The minimally conscious state in children and ethical issues
    • Philippe Evrard (France): Ethical decisions in neurology of early life

Plenary Lecture 2 (08:30–09:20)

  • Joseph Volpe (USA): Brain injury in the premature infant – recent advances

Topic Update 2 (09:20–10:00)

  • Hiroshi Yoshioka (Japan): Neuropathological studies on neonatal hypoxic–ischemic brain damage in experimental animals
  • Petra Huppi (Switzerland): Neuroimaging characteristics of neonatal brain injury

Workshops (10:30–12:00)

  • Cerebral Palsy
    • Veena Kalra (India): Etiology and risk factors for cerebral palsy
    • You-Quan Zhong (China): Evaluation of the risk factors associated with cerebral palsy in children
    • Kazuo Kodama (Japan): Severe forms of cerebral palsy
    • WT Philomena Tse (Hong Kong, China): Risk factors for pathological fractures in non-ambulatory cerebral palsy children – a case control study
    • Gaynor Cole (UK): Cerebral palsy – therapeutic possibilities
    • Xue-Juan Zhou (China): Treatment of 140 cerebral palsied children based on a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
  • Epilepsy
    • Qi-Kun Huang (China): The clinical efficacy of midazolam on childhood status epilepticus
    • Jun Li (China): Five children with frontal lobe epilepsy
    • Yutaka Awaya (Japan): Reappraisal of a peculiar form of acute encephalitis/encephalopathy presenting with catastrophic status
    • Tateki Fujiwara (Japan): Study of genotypes and phenotypes of severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy
    • R. van Empelen (The Netherlands): The effects of epilepsy surgery on the quality of life of children
    • Melinda A. Nolan (Australia): Memory impairment in specific childhood epilepsy syndromes
    • Goryu Fukuma (Japan): Genetic abnormalities underlying severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy in Japanese
    • Berten Ceulemans (Belgium): Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy and SCN1A: phenotypical–genotypical correlation
    • Osamu Kanazawa (Japan): Rotatory seizures in non-lesional frontal lobe epilepsy – Ictal recordings with Video – EEG, SPECT, and MEG
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
    • Che Kan Leong (Hong Kong, China): Dyslexia in the Chinese language
    • Tan Li Hai (Hong Kong, China): FMRI and reading
    • Catherine CC LAM (Hong Kong, China): Clinical diagnosis and management
    • Chok-Wan Chan (Hong Kong, China): Specific learning disabilities (SLD): advocacy

Symposia (15:30–18:00)

  • Neuroimaging
    • Kazuie Iinuma (Japan): Introduction: focused on functional neuroimaging
    • Harry Chugani (USA): Applications of PET scanning in pediatric neurology
    • Willam Logan (Canada): Functional MRI (fMRI) in children
    • Stephen Ashwal (USA): Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in children with acute brain injury
    • Akira Ohnuma (Japan): Diffusion tensor imaging
  • Channelopathies
    • Kazuhiro Yamakawa (Japan): Mutations of sodium channels in GEFS+ and SMEI
    • Shinichi Hirose (Japan): Benign familial neonatal convulsions
    • Ingrid Scheffer (Australia): GABA genes in human epilepsy
    • Xiao-Xi Qiao (USA): Mechanisms of epilepsy in a mouse model of calcium channelopathy
    • Jeffrey L. Noebels (USA): Epileptic channelopathies in man and mouse
  • What Happens to a Child at Risk for Developmental Delay/Disability
    • Shaul Harel (Israel): Introduction
    • Michael Shevell (Canada): School age outcomes of preschool children diagnosed with either global developmental delay or specific language impairment
    • Giovanni Cioni (Italy): Cerebral visual disorders in children with brain lesions: outcome and correlation with neuroimaging
    • Georg Spiel (Austria): The study investigates long-term effects of slight biological and slight socioeconomic risks on complex achievement variables using two different data sets
    • Yael Leitner (Israel): Neuropsychological outcome of children with IUGR
    • Tatyana Velickovic (Slovenia): The outcome of early intervention in neurodevelopmental disabilities
  • Neurometabolic Disorders Update
    • Bridget Wilcken (Australia): Screening for neurometabolic disorders
    • Hui-Ping Shi (China): Postnatal and prenatal diagnosis of lysosomal storage diseases
    • Marc Patterson (USA): Biology and therapy of Niemann–Pick disease, type C
    • Gregory Pastores (USA): Neuropathic Gaucher disease: diagnosis and management
    • Yoshiyuki Suzuki (Japan): New therapeutic approach for lysosomal storage disorders

Monday, Sept. 23, 2002

Morning Seminars (07:30–08:20)

  • Medical Informatics
    • David Stumpf (USA): Medical informatics
  • Environmental Medicine
    • Xiao-Ming Shen (China): Preventing lead neurotoxicity in Shanghai, China
    • Morri Markowitz (USA): Neurotoxic effects of lead in children

Plenary Lecture 3 (08:30–09:20)

  • Kazuyoshi Watanabe (Japan): Epilepsy and the developing brain

Topic Update 3 (09:20–10:00)

  • Olivier Dulac (France): Pediatric epilepsy: clinical update
  • Ingrid Scheffer (Australia): Genetics of epilepsy

Frank Ford Memorial Lecture (10:30–11:20)

  • Hugo Moser (USA): Adrenoleukodystrophy: The challenge of applying 25 years’ knowledge to benefit patients and families

John Stobo Prichard Award Lecture (11:20–12:10)

  • Marjo van der Knaap (The Netherlands): Childhood leukoencephalopathies: beyond the image

Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002

Morning Seminars (07:30–08:20)

  • Headache
    • David Rothner (USA): Headache
  • Rett Syndrome
    • Yoshiko Nomura (Japan): Short introduction
    • Alison Kerr (UK): The autonomic problem in Rett disorder
    • John Christoudoulou (Australia): MECP2 and beyond: phenotype–genotype correlations in Rett syndrome and related disorders
    • SakkuBai Naidu (USA): Concluding remarks

Plenary Lecture 4 (08:30–09:20)

  • Charles Newton (Kenya): Neurological manifestations of falciparum malaria in children

Topic Update 4 (09:20–10:00)

  • Veena Kalra (India): Bacterial meningitis
  • Hartmut Wekerle (Germany): Immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis

Symposia (15:30–18:00)

  • Child and Adolescent Epilepsy in the Framework of the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy
    • Shunsuke Ohtahara (Japan): Epilepsy in infancy and childhood: incidence, prevalence, and clinical spectrum in infancy and adolescence
    • Satish Jan (India): The ILAE/IBE/WHO global campaign against epilepsy: A progress report
    • Jiang-Zhong Wu (China): A demonstration project of the global campaign against epilepsy in the P.R. China: The methods and the first result
    • Milda Endziniene (Lithuania): The impact of epilepsy: The influence of epilepsy on the lives of the child, the parents, and the siblings
    • Rakhi Sehgal (India): Living with epilepsy – a patient’s story
  • Tourette Syndrome
    • James Leckman (USA): Phenomenology and natural history of tic disorders
    • Huei-Shyong Wang (Taiwan, China): Tourette syndrome in Taiwan
    • Yoshiko Nomura (Japan): Tourette syndrome in Asian countries
    • Harvey Singer (USA): Neurobiology of Tourette syndrome
    • John Walkup (USA): Recent advances in genetics on Tourette syndrome
  • Neurocutaneous Syndromes
    • Paolo Curatolo (Italy): Advances in understanding neurological and behavioral phenotypes in tuberous sclerosis
    • Eiji Nanba (Japan): Recent progress in mutational analysis of TSC1 and TSC2 genes and functions of the hamartin protein
    • Orvar Eeg-Olofsson (Sweden): Typical and atypical non-neoplastic brain abnormalities on MRI in children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis type 1
    • Ignacio Pascual Castroviejo (Spain): Vascular malformations and neurocutaneous diseases
    • Henri B. Szliwowski (Belgium): The syndrome of facial hemangioma–cerebral cortical and vascular dysplasia: a rare neurocutaneous syndrome associated with epilepsy
  • Education of Child Neurologists
    • Robert Ouvrier (Australia): Overview of peripheral neuropathy in childhood 2002
    • Xi-Ru Wu (China): Education of child neurologists in China
    • Julius Familusi (Nigeria): Electroencephalographic photosensitivity among Zimbabwean youths
    • Kenneth Swaiman (USA): Education approach to metabolic abnormalities in childhood
    • Shunsuke Ohtahara (Japan): Intractable pediatric epilepsy syndromes in early infancy

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002

Morning Seminar 9 (07:30–08:20)

  • Neuro-Oncology
    • Roger J Packer (USA): Childhood brain tumors: biologic breakthroughs, therapeutic advances, and ongoing challenges

Morning Seminar 10 (15:30–18:00)

  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • Philip Walson (USA): Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of anti-epileptic drugs in children
    • Hisao Miura (Japan): Developmental and therapeutic pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs

Plenary Lecture 5 (08:30–09:20)

  • Pauline Filipek (USA): Screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autistic spectrum disorder

Topic Update 5 (09:20–10:00)

  • Toshiaki Hashimoto (Japan): Neuroimaging in autism
  • Martha Denckla (USA): ADHD: Current concepts and neurobiology

Symposia (14:00–16:30)

  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    • Pauline Filipek (USA): Earliest signs of autism in infants
    • James T. McCracken (USA): Genetics
    • Tatsuya Koeda (Japan): Pragmatic difficulties of figurative and sarcastic sentences in pervasive developmental disorders
    • Masutomo Miyao (Japan): Neurophysiology of pervasive developmental disorders
  • Neurosurgery
    • Shlomi Constantini (Israel): New technical advances in pediatric neurosurgery
    • Shizuo Oi (Japan): Modern treatment of hydrocephalus with emphasis on neuro-endoscopy
    • Anthony Hockley (UK): Current status of craniofacial surgery
    • Concezio Di Rocco (Italy): Neurosurgical treatment of phacomatoses
    • Toshiaki Abe (Japan): Current treatment of the Chiari malformation with and without syringomyelia
    • Chun-De Li (China): Microsurgical treatment for hypothalamic hamartoma in children with precocious puberty
  • Oriental Medicine
    • Virginia Wong (Hong Kong, China): Tongue acupuncture and neurological disorder
    • Ein-Yao Shen (Taiwan, China): Neurotransmitters and acupuncture
    • Ping-Ping Zuo (China): Studies of mechanism of ‘kangxian’ capsule on convulsion in experimental epilepsy rats induced with metrazol
    • Li Wang (China): Antiepileptic action and its immunological mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine
  • Infectious Diseases
    • Anita Belman (USA): HIV-1/AIDS in children
    • Hussain Imam Hj Muhammad Ismail (Malaysia): Viral encephalitis
    • Pongsakdi Visudhiphan (Thailand): Tuberculosis of the central nervous system in children
    • Polrat Wilairatana (Thailand): Management of cerebral malaria
    • Phillip Peterson (USA): New concepts in the immunopathogenesis of central nervous system infections


(2002) Abstracts of the 9th International Child Neurology Congress and the 7th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology. September 20-25, 2002, Beijing, China. Brain Dev 24 (6):345-663. DOI: 10.1016/s0387-7604(02)00091-8 PMID: 12208449.

(2003) Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome. Proceedings of the Joint Congress of the 9th International Child Neurology Congress and the 7th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology, September 20-25, 2002, Beijing, China, and the Tourette's Syndrome symposium, September 27, 2002, Tokyo, Japan. Brain Dev 25 Suppl 1 ():S1-84. PMID: 14980364.

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