The fourth ICNA congress, on March 16–20, 1986, took place in Jerusalem, concurrently with the Satellite Symposium on Child Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics (‘Sharing Issues of Mutual Concern’) sponsored by the Hackensack (New Jersey) Medical Center’s Institute for Child Development on March 21. Dr. Shaul Harel of Tel Aviv was Congress President, Joseph H. French of the USA Chairman of the Scientific Program Committee, and Marvin I. Gottlieb of the USA chair of the satellite symposium. The congress took place during an interval of lessened tension between the Israelis and Palestinians, making it possible to visit the Old City, Jericho and the West Bank.

Dr. Prichard, who was to be Ford Lecturer, was too ill to attend but provided a stirring video of his lecture: ‘Who is a child neurologist?’. Symposia on ‘Genetic and acquired pediatric encephalopathies’, ‘Epilepsy and the developing brain’, ‘Pediatric neurologic diseases with ultrastructural pathology’, ‘Assessment and remediation of young children with central nervous system dysfunction’ were followed each day by free papers and posters on these and other themes. The ensuing publication was edited by Dr. French and others.

French J.H. Harel S. Casaer P. Gottlieb M.I. Rapin I. De Vivo D.C. Child neurology and developmental disabilities. Selected Proceedings of the Fourth International Child Neurology Congress. Paul H Brookes, Baltimore1989

(1986) Abstracts from the Fourth International Child Neurology Congress. March 16-20, 1986, Jerusalem, Israel. J Child Neurol 1 (3):251-88. PMID: 3598131

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