
105.01 Epilepsy classification & semiology

105.01 Epilepsy classification & semiology

105.1.1 Ingrid Scheffer - Epilepsy Classification
105.1.2 Andrea Andrade - Semiology of Seizures
105.1.3 Puneet Jain - Febrile Seizures
105.1.4 Lokesh Lingappa Seizure Mimics in Children
105.1.5 Keith Starnes Pathophysiology of Seizures and Epilepsy

15 lessons 2 hours, 3 minutes Intermediate
105.02 Epilepsy Investigations & Neuroimaging

105.02 Epilepsy Investigations & Neuroimaging

105.2.1 Anthony Fine - After First febrile Seizure
105.2.2 Hans Hartmann - Advanced Investigations (Metabolic and Genetics)
105.2.3 Bejoy Thomas - Neuroimaging in Paediatric Epilepsy

9 lessons 50 minutes Intermediate
105.03 Epilepsy Syndromes

105.03 Epilepsy Syndromes

105.3.1 Salah Almubarak - Neonatal Epilepsy Syndromes
105.3.2 Jo Wilmshurst - Epilepsy Syndromes in Infancy
105.3.3 Helen Cross - Childhood Epilepsy Syndromes (Except Absence Epilepsy)
105.3.4 Robyn Whitney - Absence Epilepsy
105.3.4A Chong Yi Fong - Common Epilepsy Syndromes in Adolescence

15 lessons 1 hour, 15 minutes Intermediate
105.04 Developmental Epilepsies

105.04 Developmental Epilepsies

105.4.1 Robyn Whitney Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy
105.4.2 Kevin Jones - Infantile Spasms Diagnosis, Clinical Features Investigations
105.4.3 Jithangi Wanigasinghe - Infantile Spasms: Treatment and Prognosis
105.4.4 Vinayan KP - Lennox Gastaut Syndrome
105.4.5 Rajesh Ramachandran Nair - Developmental and-or Epileptic Encephalopathy With Spike-and-wave Activation in Sleep (DEE-EE with SWAS)
105.4.6 Siddharth Shah - Dravet Syndrome
105.4.7 Kavita Srivastava - Concept and Overview of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies (PME)
105.4.8 David Dufresne - Myoclonic Atonic Epilepsy


23 lessons 2 hours, 10 minutes Intermediate
105.05 Epilepsy Drug Treatment

105.05 Epilepsy Drug Treatment

105.5.1 Hui Jeen Tan and Ishita Desai - Principles of Using Anti-Seizure Medicines (ASM)
105.5.2 Charuta Joshi - Rational Polypharmacy in Epilepsy
105.5.3 Stephen Malone Newer Anti-Seizure Medications In Peaditatric Epilepsy

9 lessons 45 minutes Intermediate
105.06 Treatment of Drug Resistant Epilepsy

105.06 Treatment of Drug Resistant Epilepsy

105.6.1 Suvasini Sharma - Ketogenic Diet in Paediatric Epilepsy
105.6.2 Pauline Samia - The Role of Dietary Therapies In Resource Limited Settings: A Case For The Advancement Of The Modified Atkins Diet
105.6.3A Ahsan Moosa Naduvil Valappil - Epilepsy Surgery In Children: An Overview
105.6.3B Aristide Hadjinicolaou - Pre-Surgical Work-Up In Pediatric Epilepsy
105.6.4 Juan Pablo Appendino - CBD in Peadiatric Epilepsy

15 lessons 1 hour, 50 minutes Intermediate
105.07 SUDEP

105.07 SUDEP

105.7.1 Katherine Nickels - Non-SUDEP Mortality in Children With Epilepsy
105.7.2 Elizabeth Donner - SUDEP in Children

6 lessons 35 minutes Intermediate
105.08 Epilepsy Co-Morbidities & QoL

105.08 Epilepsy Co-Morbidities & QoL

105.8.1 Kette Valente Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures in Children
105.8.2 Roberto Caraballo - Sleep and Epilepsy
105.8.3 Bernard Dan - Quality of Life in Children With Epilepsy
105.8.4 Mary Lou Smith - Psychiatric and Psychological Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy
105.8.5 Nevena Simic - Intellectual Disability, Autism and Psychosocial Aspects of Childhood Epilepsy
105.8.6 Esra Serdaroglu - Bone Mineral Density and Paediatric Epilepsy

17 lessons 1 hour, 30 minutes Intermediate
105.09 Status Epilepticus & Super Refractory Status Epilepticus

105.09 Status Epilepticus & Super Refractory Status Epilepticus

105.9.1 Ramshekhar N Menon - Status Epilepticus (SE): Definition, Concepts, Aetiology
105.9.2 Eric Payne - Treatment of Status Epilepticus
105.9.3 Jay Kassiri - Treatment of Super Refractory Status Epilepticus

9 lessons 45 minutes Intermediate
105.10 Epilepsy - other topics

105.10 Epilepsy - other topics

105.10.1 Anand lyer - Transition to Adult Services
105.10.2 Erin Fedak Romanowski - Epilepsy in Adolescent Girls
105.10.3 Maryam Nabavi Nouri - Autoimmune Pediatric Epilepsy
105.10.4 Sebastian Ortiz - Immunization and Children With Epilepsy
105.10.5 Charles Hammond - Drug-to-Drug Interactions in HIV and Epilepsy

11 lessons 1 hour, 15 minutes Intermediate

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