
The “Adeli” suit is an adaptation of the Russian cosmonauts’ space uniforms. It was originally developed to combat hypokinesis during episodes of extended weightlessness. The suit consists of a system of adjustable elastic cords attached to a wide belt worn at the hip and joint area and connected with shoes and knee pads.

The system of elastic connectors topographically mirrors the arrangement of flexor and extensor muscles, trunk rotators and lower limbs. It works as an elastic frame around the body and is said to help “rewire” and retrain the central nervous system as feedback from properly aligned and moving muscles is received by the brain.

For example, if a child walks on tiptoes, the bands in the toes are tightened forcing the child to take full-footed steps. At this time, the evidence base for the “Adeli” suit is limited and anecdotal. The risks of the intervention are low and the costs for acquisition and fitting the suit are high.

Stephens K, ed. Poland: Space suit technology offers new hope for cerebral palsy rehab. Orthot Prosthet Business World [serial online]. Spring 1998;1(2). Accessed December 15, 2000.

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