IBRO-UCT African Advanced School on Epilepsy Cape Town, South Africa December 2 - 16, 2015 Organizer: Prof. Dirk Lang (University of Cape Town). Aims and Scope of the School This advanced school aims to provide advanced research training in both clinical and basic aspects of epilepsy. Description The main objective of the IBRO Advanced School on Epilepsy is to provide a platform for junior researchers, postdoctoral fellows and senior PhD students to gain knowledge and experience in the use of advanced neuroscience techniques in clinical diagnosis and electrophysiology. The...
The ICNA is delighted to congratulate Professor Orvar Eeg-Olofsson on being named as a Honorary Member of the European Paediatric Neurology Society. Honorary membership of the EPNS is the highest distinction for paediatric neurologists who really advanced the field of pediatric during their career. This can be at all levels that are important in the spirit of the EPNS : advancements in research , excellent clinical care and / or educational qualities. More importantly, honorary EPNS members continue to sympathize with our goals and are actively involved in promoting EPNS. Professor Orvar Eeg-Olofsson was born in...
We kindly invite you to submit proposals for lunch symposia, covering specialized child neurology topics, for the 14th ICNC 2016, in Amsterdam. The congress theme is "Bridging Worlds; Child Neurology from a Global Perspective" These symposia will enable a group of expert speakers to present current knowledge or new developments in well delineated areas of pediatric neurology in depth, reaching a targeted audience. Sessions will last 90 minutes, including a short introduction by the chairperson and 3 presentations – 20 minutes each – with ample time for interactive discussion. On choosing speakers,...
ICNA Workshop and 14thTunisian Child Neurology Meeting Sfax October, 9 and 10, 2015 We are delighted to invite you to the ICNA Workshop and 14thTunisian child neurology meeting, to be held in the city of Sfax in Borj Dhiafa Hôtel (Tunisia), on October, 9 and 10, 2015. Programme Highlights The themes of the meeting are "epilepsy in children" and "neuroinfectious diseases". The scientific program will cover topics relevant to pediatric epilepsy including basic sciences, neurophysiology, classification and good practice recommendations and the neurological manifestations and treatment of infectious diseases....
Masaya Segawa, MD, PhD, one of the pioneers in Child Neurology, the director of Segawa Neurological Clinic for Children, passed away on December 14, 2014 at the age of 78 years and 6 months. He was born in Tokyo on June 4, 1936. He graduated from the University of Tokyo, School of Medicine in 1962, receiving his MD degree, and received a PhD degree from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine in 1970. He had post- graduate training and was a member of the house-staff in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Tokyo under...
With the sad news in ICNAPedia of the passing of Dr Masaya Segawa, close upon earlier news of those of Dr Yukio Fukuyama’s and one of ICNA’s mentors, Dr Heinz Prechtl’s, ICNA has lost two more among the dwindling number of its founding members. As a (still) survivor, let me honor their fundamental contributions to our field, and allow me a few personal memories of Drs Fukuyama and Segawa dating back to Toronto 1975. Both these Japanese colleagues epitomize the clinician-scientist, today an endangered species because their important discoveries came from close observation of their patients, Dr Fukuyama’s...
We are deeply saddened to report that Professor Masaya Segawa, MD, PhD, the director of Segawa Neurological Clinic for Children, Tokyo, Japan, took his last breath at 18:15 on December 14, 2014, at age of 78 year-old from a disease to which he fought till the end courageously. His extreme courage is based on his belief as a physician, sincere thought for life and his noble heritage. He was an exceptionally hard worker, and a man with the kindness, warm heart,a humor and a beautiful smile. His contribution in the medical field and warm friendship to...
Dear Colleagues We are delighted to invite you to the Commission on African Affairs (CAA) and Internaonal League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Epilepsy Conference, to be held in the beauful city of Durban at the Maharani Hotel, situated on Durban's Golden Mile, from the 24 to the 25 March 2015. Durban situated on South Africa's east coast, is renowned for its warm beaches, natural heritage and diverse mix of cultures. We hope that this will be an interesng, clinically relevant meeng. The one and a half day meeng consists of a half day...
OMICS-ETHICS Research Group at the University of Montreal would like to invite you to participate in an anonymous web-based questionnaire addressing neurologists' views about the potential use of genomic testing, in particular Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS) in their clinical practice, and the return of the results of such a test to patients. Your participation is important, whatever your specialty in neurology, whether or not you already used genomic testing in your practice, whether or not you agree with such a use, and independently of your level of expertise in genetics. Genomic diagnostic tools are currently...
Since August 2014 there has been several reports in the US and Canada of children presenting with mostly focal limb weakness following recent respiratory tract infection and associated significant grey matter changes on spinal MRI. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working closely with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Children's Hospital Colorado to investigate a cluster of nine pediatric patients hospitalized with acute neurologic illness of undetermined etiology. The CDC have also put out a HAN (Health Alert Network) Advisory with guidance about reporting cases to state...