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Updated February 08, 2020
A study recently published in the journal Human Molecular Genetics by Marni J. Falk and colleagues from the Mitochondrial-Genetic Disease Clinic at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) holds great promise for developing new treatments for patients with mitochondrial disorders Extra-mitochondrial mechanisms including dysregulated translation and the increased autophagy contribute to the pathophysiology of respiratory chain disorders. They showed that drugs which partially inhibit these cellular processes offer novel treatment strategies in mitochondrial disorders.  In translation, messenger RNA (mRNA) which is produced by transcription from DNA is decoded by cellular ribosomes to produce...
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Bridging Worlds; Child Neurology from a Global Perspective
Updated February 08, 2020
On behalf of the International Child Neurology Association, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 14th International Child Neurology Congress being held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from May 1-5th, 2016. Our congress theme is 'Bridging Worlds' with the aim of providing an appreciation of Childhood Neurological Disorders from a Global Perspective with strong representation from all six major geographic regions.  The scientific program will feature internationally recognized experts who will provide the latest advances in different subspecialties of child neurology combined with a strong educational program through breakfast courses, meet...
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Updated February 08, 2020
The ICNA congratulates Executive Board Member Dr Roberto Caraballo on the ILAE "Ambassador for Epilepsy Award". The award is in recognition of his outstanding international contributions to activities advancing the cause of epilepsy.. The award is given biannually at the International Epilepsy Congress of the League Against Epilepsy.​ Roberto Caraballo graduated from Medical School of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and received his training in pediatric neurology at the Pediatric Hospital Pedro de Elizalde in Buenos Aires under the mentorship of Dr. Natalio Fejerman. In 1988-1989 he did a visiting fellowship...
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Updated February 08, 2020
Fighting cerebral palsy in Africa Cerebral palsy aff ects children across Africa. Prevention is difficult since we know little about its aetiology in African countries, and efforts to help those affected are hampered by a lack of resources. But individuals and organisations are rising to the challenge. Adrian Burton reports. Strengthening links between researchers, clinicians, therapists, and those providing specialist training and care is vital if we are to make headway against CP A child was born before dawn in a village...
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Updated February 09, 2020
The founding father of Turkish Child Neurology, Professor Yavuz Renda (b.1932) has passed away peacefully on the 24th of July, 2015 after a long illness. His family roots aided Mustapha Kemal Atatürk in the construction of Modern Turkey in 1923. Professor Renda established the backbones of our discipline in Turkey starting from early 1960s. This was parallel to the blossoming of Child Neurology worldwide. Professor Renda was a great teacher and a spirit to his pupils. He had deep concerns for the benefit of his patients and their families. He was a considerate man to his colleagues and juniors....
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Updated February 09, 2020
We are deeply saddened to hear the passing of Professor Jean François Marie Aicardi in Paris. A world-renowned physician and child neurologist, Professor Aicardi had friends, students and patients from all over the world . A true giant of Paediatric Neurology, his passing is indeed a great loss to the world of child neurology and to the countless friends and colleagues all over the world. The International Child Neurology Association express it's deepest condolence on the demise of this truly inspirational Child Neurologist. Jean François Marie Aicardi studied at the Paris Medical School and became an...
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Updated February 08, 2020
The 13th Nigeria Society of Neuroscience (NSN) Conference will be held in AFE BABALOLA UNIVERSITY ADO EKITI (ABUAD) in from 11-14 November 2015. The theme of the conference is "Nervous system disorders: African Challenge". The venue of the meeting is the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Ado Ekiti is a a city in southwest Nigeria, the state capital and headquarters of the Ekiti. It is also known as Ado. The people of Ado Ekiti are mainly of the Ekiti sub-thnic group of the Yoruba. Ado Ekiti city has a state owned...
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Updated February 08, 2020
Professor Helen Cross, Executive board member of the ICNA, The Prince of Wales's Chair of Childhood Epilepsy, Deputy Head of Developmental Neurosciences Programme of the UCL Institute of Child Health and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Neurology at Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust, London and Young Epilepsy, Lingfield, received an OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the Queen of England's Birthday Honours for her services to Children with Epilepsy. Professor Cross said Huge progress has been made in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy...
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Updated February 08, 2020
IBRO-UCT African Advanced School on Epilepsy Cape Town, South Africa December 2 - 16, 2015 Organizer: Prof. Dirk Lang (University of Cape Town). Aims and Scope of the School This advanced school aims to provide advanced research training in both clinical and basic aspects of epilepsy. Description The main objective of the IBRO Advanced School on Epilepsy is to provide a platform for junior researchers, postdoctoral fellows and senior PhD students to gain knowledge and experience in the use of advanced neuroscience techniques in clinical diagnosis and electrophysiology. The...
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Congratulations to Prof Orvar Eeg-Olofsson
Updated February 08, 2020
The ICNA is delighted to congratulate Professor Orvar Eeg-Olofsson on being named as a Honorary Member of the European Paediatric Neurology Society. Honorary membership of the EPNS is the highest distinction for paediatric neurologists who really advanced the field of pediatric during their career. This can be at all levels that are important in the spirit of the EPNS : advancements in research , excellent clinical care and / or educational qualities. More importantly, honorary EPNS members continue to sympathize with our goals and are actively involved in promoting EPNS. Professor Orvar Eeg-Olofsson was born in...
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316 results - showing 151 - 160
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