Acute Leukoencephalopathies in Children

Acute Leukoencephalopathies in Children
Session subtype

Acute leukoencephalopathies represent a common problem faced by neurologists and pediatricians in clinical practice. The term refers to acute or subacute diseases that affect the white matter of the central nervous system, preferentially but not exclusively, targeting the brain.
The differential diagnosis of an acute leukoencephalopathy in pediatric patients includes a broad variety of conditions including inflammatory demyelinating diseases, ischemic vascular disorders, infectious disorders, and autoimmune encephalopathies.

The symposium will:
a) Consider the differential diagnosis of acute leukoencephalopathies in pediatric patients.
b) Illustrate how a definitive diagnosis can be made based on the clinical setting, clinical presentation, neuroimaging findings, and response to treatment.
c) Describe the spectrum of idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating diseases in children.
d) Present typical and atypical clinical cases.


10:30-10:40. Welcome and introduction (Silvia Tenembaum, National Pediatric Hospital Dr. Juan P. Garrahan. Buenos Aires, Argentina). 10 min
10:40-11:00. Acute leukoencephalopathy and Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis (Lauren Krupp, University of New York at Stony Brook, USA). 20min
11:00-11:20. Acute leukoencephalopathy and Neuromyelitis Optica (Daniela Pohl, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada). 20 min
11:20-11:40. Acute event with bithalamic involvement (Andrew Kornberg, The Royal Children´s Hospital. Melbourne, Australia). 20 min
11:40-12:00. Acute leukoencephalopathy and CNS vasculopathy (Silvia Tenembaum, National Pediatric Hospital Dr. Juan P. Garrahan. Buenos Aires, Argentina). 20 min
12:00-12:30. Q and A. Final remarks. (All the speakers, 30 min)

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