Frontiers in Neuroprotection of the neonatal brain

Rand Askalan
Frontiers in Neuroprotection of the neonatal brain
Session subtype



The study of ischemic injury in the developing brain is a very exciting area of research as we are realizing that the mechanism and time course of ischemic injury in the developing brain are very different from adult brain. These differences stem from the constant remodelling that takes place as part of normal development in the newborn brain that may influence the ischemic events in terms of their impact and temporal course. Therefore, a large body of research is currently focusing on identifying neuroprotective strategies that are specifically designed to target mechanisms of ischemic injury in the developing brain. Learning from the vast experience in neuroprotection research in adult ischemic brain, this symposium aims to bring together experts in the field to identify the most promising neuroprotective approaches in the neonatal ischemic brain and what is required to translate these approaches to clinical practice.


• Provide an update on cutting-edge research in neuroprotection for the ischemic neonatal brain
• Present potential neuroprotective strategies that may target specific patient population (e.g.CHD, inflammation)
• Provide a forum to discuss what needs to be done to bring most promising neuroprotective strategies to clinical trials (e.g. hypothermia for neonatal stroke)




Mary Stenzel-Poore USA
Lessons learned from the adult brain on the translation of preconditioning against ischemic injury.
Michael Johnston USA
Hypothermia and potential strategies to maximize its utility in protecting the developing ischemic brain
Jerome Yager Edmonton, Canada
Promising strategies of neurprotection for the developing brain



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