Brain Stimulation in Children - Neurophysiology and Therapeutics

Brain Stimulation in Children - Neurophysiology and Therapeutics
Session subtype

Brain stimulation technologies are rapidly advancing the understanding and treatment of neurological disease. Applications to the plastic developing brain are ripe with potential but just emerging. Attendees will be fascinated by the sophisticated neurophysiology afforded by TMS. Translational therapeutic methods (rTMS, TDCS) will inspire ideas to directly impact patients. Deep brain stimulation and brain computer interfaces will be explored to complete the spectrum.


1. Recognize the abilities of non-invasive brain stimulation to map and measure complex neurophysiology across disorders of the developing brain.
2. Appreciate the translation of such knowledge into new clinical trials of therapeutic non-invasive brain stimulation in multiple disorders including stroke, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and depression.
3. Explore applications of implantable brain stimulation technologies in children including deep brain stimulation and brain computer interfaces.


Measuring, Mapping, and Modulating Cortical Inhibition and Neuroplasticity in Tourette Syndrome and ADHD
Donald Gilbert, USA

Translational brain stimulation in epilepsy: informing clinical protocols by basic science research
Alexander Rotenberg, USA

Enhancing developmental neuroplasticity after perinatal stroke with non-invasive brain stimulation
Adam Kirton , Canada

DBS for Childhood Dystonias: Who to select and how to Measure Outcomes?
Jean-Pierre Lin, UK

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