Treatable Paediatric Movement Disorder: A case-based Approach

Treatable Paediatric Movement Disorder: A case-based Approach
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February 11, 2023
9:00 AM Eastern Time ( US / Canada )
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Topic:Treatable Paediatric Movement Disorder: A case-based Approach, Dr. Shekeeb Mohammad,  February 11, 2023,  9:00 AM Eastern Time ( US / Canada )

Dr. Shekeeb Mohammad leads the Paediatric Movement Disorder Service at the Children's Hospital at Westmead and Kids Neuroscience Center, Sydney, Australia. He is also the Research Education Academic Director for HDR students at the University of Sydney and Australian lead for the International Neurotransmitter Disorder Registry and the Myoclonus Dystonia Registry. He has to date more than 70 peer-reviewed publications.Dr. Mohammad's current research focuses on family expectations with Paediatric DBS, Genetics of childhood-onset movement disorders and acute inflammatory encephalopathies. 

This session is an interactive case-based approach to various genetics and acquired movement disorders to discuss diagnostic clues as well as prioritization and choice of treatment strategies. 

Learning objectives:

  • Recognition of movement disorder phenomenology.
  • Understand the principles of treatment approaches for Paediatric Movement Disorders. 
  • Gain familiarity with common medical and non-medical symptomatic treatments for paediatric movement disorders. 
  • Recognize movement disorder syndromes with disease-modifying treatments. 

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