Role of EEG in diagnosis and management of status epilepticus

July 30, 2020
CPD/CME Credits

17:00 CET
Sándor Beniczky: Role of EEG in diagnosis and management of status epilepticus
Registration: click here

EEG has an essential role in diagnosing non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) and it is a useful tool in monitoring the management of the patients in status epilepticus. This webinar will address the current criteria for NCSE and will explain how to integrate EEG into the clinical decision making.

Sándor Beniczky is board-certified neurologist, clinical neurophysiologist and epileptologist. He is professor at Aarhus University Hospital, and he is the head of the Clinical Neurophysiology Department at the Danish Epilepsy Centre. He is the chair of the joint EEG taskforce of the IFCN and ILAE, member of the ILAE commission on diagnostic methods, ILAE education council and the executive committee of ILAE-Europe. He is editor-in-chief of Epileptic Disorders.

The main research interest of Dr. Beniczky is EEG and epilepsy, focusing on electromagnetic source imaging, seizure detection, standardisation and quality-assurance in clinical neurophysiology. He has supervised eight Ph.D. students. He is author of 131 peer-reviewed papers and 21 book chapters.

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