• Lectures / Webinars
  • Migraine Management in 2020: New Options for Treatment and How to Incorporate Recent Guidelines and Novel Treatments in Clinical Practice
Migraine Management in 2020: New Options for Treatment and How to Incorporate Recent Guidelines and Novel Treatments in Clinical Practice

Migraine Management in 2020: New Options for Treatment and How to Incorporate Recent Guidelines and Novel Treatments in Clinical Practice

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Course Description This session will cover recent developments in migraine management. Dr. Lewis and Dr. Oakley will review new medications (including anti-GCRP medications) and neuromodulatory devices designed for the acute and preventive treatment of migraine. Speakers will discuss the mechanisms of action, evidence of efficacy, potential side effects, and pediatric specific issues for these novel treatments. Dr. Guidetti will review recently published guidelines for the treatment of pediatric migraine and discuss how to integrate these recommendations into the clinical practice treating youth with chronic migraine. He will also consider similarities and differences between European and U.S. migraine treatment so we can each learn from others’ experience. Together these topics will enhance participants’ ability to manage episodic and chronic migraine in clinical practice.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the role of CGRP in migraine and how anti-CGRP medications may be used to treat migraine.
  2. Understand and describe the role of neuromodulation in the management of migraine and how these devices may be used to treat migraine in the pediatric population.
  3. Discuss how the new AAN guidelines on the treatment of pediatric migraine can be applied to clinical practice.

Impact statements

  1. Management of chronic migraine in pediatrics.
  2. Acute or abortive treatment of migraine in pediatrics.

Heidi K. Blume, MD, MPH; Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Novel Medications for the Treatment of Migraine: Anti-GGRP Therapies and Other Medications in the Migraine Pipeline
Kara Stuart Lewis, MD, FAHS, FAAN; Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Neuromodulation for Migraine: What is the Role for Devices in the Treatment of Childhood Migraine?
Christopher B. Oakley, MD; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

New Guidelines for Treatment of Pediatric Migraine: How to Apply These Recommendations and Novel Treatments to Manage Chronic Migraine in Clinical Practice
Vincenzo Guidetti, MD; University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy

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