Humanism in Child Neurology: The Time is Now!

Humanism in Child Neurology: The Time is Now!

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Course Description
Goal: The primary goal of this symposium is to increase global awareness about the importance of humanism in child neurology for our patients and for ourselves.

Secondary Goals:

  1. Recognize the humanistic needs of our patients with neurological disorders.
  2. Understand how to live a humanistic professional life while facing many challenges.
  3. Learn what humanism means in every continent and country throughout the world.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the importance of humanism in child neurology.
  2. Understand what humanism means in different global settings.

Impact Statements This educational session helped me to identify changes I could make in my practice related to:

  1. Being more aware and supportive of the humanism of my patients and their families and more responsive to them.
  2. Being more sensitive to the different meanings of humanism in my patients who come from various cultural backgrounds.

Organizer: David L. Coulter, MD; Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Definitions and History of Humanism
Alcy R. Torres, MD; Boston University School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Obstacles to Practice Humanism in Child Neurology in Global Health
Ornella Ciccone, MD, DTM&H, MMED; University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia

Neurology and Longevity: A Critical Care Pediatrician’s Perspective
Kam Lun Ellis Hon, MBBS, MD, FAAP, FCCM, The Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, Hong Kong

The Time is Now! Humanism as the Global Bedrock of Child Neurology
David L. Coulter, MD

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