• Lectures / Webinars
  • Tics, Stereotypies, and Their Look-a-Likes – Understanding and Managing Repetitive Movements
Tics, Stereotypies, and Their Look-a-Likes – Understanding and Managing Repetitive Movements

Tics, Stereotypies, and Their Look-a-Likes – Understanding and Managing Repetitive Movements

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Session subtype
Meet the experts

Course Description
This Meet the Experts Interest Group session will address tics, stereotypies, psychogenic mimics, and similar-appearing movements. The presenters will share their clinical experience on use of key diagnostic features from home videos and in-person neurological evaluations in order to distinguish challenging cases. They will also share the latest research and neurobiological advances regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of these conditions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Use clinical skills to accurately distinguish tics and stereotypies from “mimics” including drug-induced and functional movement disorders.
  2. Discuss recent advances in understanding of neurobiology of tics, stereotypies, and functional movement disorders. Impact Statements
  3. More accurate diagnosis based on phenomenology without medical diagnostic testing.
  4. Implementation of treatment strategies starting with effective communication of diagnoses and treatment options to caregivers.

Organizer: Donald L. Gilbert, MD, MS; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Tic Phenomenology and Pathophysiology
Russell Dale, MRCP, PhD; Children’s Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Stereotypy Phenomenology and Pathophysiology
Harvey S. Singer MD; Johns Hopkins Medicine, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Mimics – Functional (Psychogenic), Drug-induced, and Otherwise
Donald L. Gilbert, MD, MS

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