• Lectures / Webinars
  • Cutting Edge Technology in Neuroinflammation: Advancing Science and Increasing Capacity in Low and Middle-income Countries
Cutting Edge Technology in Neuroinflammation: Advancing Science and Increasing Capacity in Low and Middle-income Countries

Cutting Edge Technology in Neuroinflammation: Advancing Science and Increasing Capacity in Low and Middle-income Countries

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Course Description
This symposium will provide an overview of advanced technologies, such as metagenomic nextgeneration sequencing, phage display and enhanced virome sequencing, to identify evidence of infection or autoantibodies in patients with neuroinflammation such as infectious encephalitis (IE) and autoimmune encephalitis (AE). We will also discuss the high mortality and morbidity of IE and AE in low and middleincome countries (LMIC) and potential application of these technologies as well as capacity building in LMIC. Upon completion of this symposium, participants will become familiar with new technologies for pathogen and antibody discovery; understand the impact of infectious and autoimmune encephalitis in LMIC and potential usage of technology to advance science, to save brains and to build capacity in LMIC.

  1. To understand cutting edge technologies which can detect pathogens directly by sequencing-based approaches and indirectly with comprehensive serology assays, along with autoantibody discovery in patients with noninfectious encephalitis.
  2. To understand the impact of infectious and autoimmune encephalitis in LMIC and possible ways to build research capacity in LMIC. Impact Statements
  3. Understanding advanced technologies in diagnosing neuroinflammatory diseases.
  4. Potential involvement in the global health and capacity building process.

Soe Mar, MD; St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Detecting Hidden Virus with Enhanced Human Virome Sequencing
Kristine Wylie, PhD; Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

The Impact of Infectious and Autoimmune Encephalitis in LMIC
Aye Mya Min Aye, MB.BS, M.Med.Sc; Yangon Children’s Hospital, Yangon, Myanmar

Application of Advanced Technologies in LMIC, Advancing Science and Increasing Capacity
Soe Mar, MD

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