Global Challenges and Opportunities in Inpatient Child Neurology

Global Challenges and Opportunities in Inpatient Child Neurology

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Course Description
The objective of this symposium is to highlight and understand the reasons behind the differences in management of commonly encountered pediatric neurological conditions across the globe. Discussants from three diverse settings (a resource-intense US academic medical center, a managed care non-North American but developed academic center setting, and a developing nation with limited resources) will compare and contrast their approach to three common acute neurologic conditions: status epilepticus, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, and stroke. After each discussant comments on the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of each condition, the panel will have an open discussion to identify themes and practices that can be improved, barriers that could be overcome from a healthcare systems perspective and shared and implemented across international settings. The discussion will highlight the need for development of global networks and collaborations to systematically harmonize clinical care pathways as well inform the potential for research opportunities in common acute pediatric neurologic conditions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore and understand the approach to workup and treatment of three common acute neurologic conditions in each of the following settings: 1) Resource-intense academic medical center, 2) a managed care non-North American but developed academic center setting, and 3) Developing Nation with limited resources.
  2. Conceptualize how to provide high-quality, research-informed care depending on the resources available in each individual’s setting.

Impact Statements

  1. Resources I have available to investigate, diagnose and manage status epilepticus.
  2. Resources I have available to investigate, diagnose and manage anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.
  3. Resources I have available to investigate, diagnose and manage acute arterial ischemic stroke.

Organizer: Mahendra Moharir MD, MSc, FRACP; University of Toronto, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Acute Pediatric Neurology in the Inpatient Setting Across the Globe – Can One Size Fit All?
Mahendra Moharir MD, MSc, FRACP

Acute Inpatient Pediatric Neurology – The North American Academic Practice Perspective
Craig A. Press, MD, PhD; Children’s Hospital of Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado, USA

Acute Inpatient Pediatric Neurology – The Australian Managed Care Approach
Mark MacKay, MBBS, PhD; Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

Acute Inpatient Pediatric Neurology in the Developing World – Advancing Care with Limited Resources
Vrajesh Udani, MD; Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, India

Panel Discussion and Q & A

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