Integrating Pediatric Sleep Medicine into Child Neurology

Integrating Pediatric Sleep Medicine into Child Neurology

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Course Description
Better understanding of various sleep disorders encountered in the child neurology practice, how to read the sleep study report that will be generated by the sleep physician and sent to the referring child neurologist, what treatment options are available for these sleep disorders including insomnia, and finally, when these patient should be referred to a sleep physician.

Learning Objectives

  1. Incorporate better screening questions and order appropriate diagnostic tests in their evaluation of children in child neurology clinics to assess and confirm the underlying sleep disorder.
  2. Initiate management strategies to treat the underlying sleep disorder.

Impact Statements

  1. Diagnose and manage comorbid or primary sleep problems in child neurology.
  2. Appropriate referral to sleep physician.

Sanjeev V. Kothare, MD, FAAN, FAASM; Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Lake Success, New York, USA

Evaluation of a Sleepy Child
Joseph Kaleyias, MD, PhD; East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, Eastbourne, East Sussex, England, UK

Evaluation of Nocturnal Events: Seizures, Parasomnias and More
Sanjeev V. Kothare, MD, FAAN, FAASM

Evaluation of Sleep in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Joanna Wrede, MD; Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Sleep Pharmacology in Pediatric Insomnia
Ann Marie Morse, DO; Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Geisinger, Commonwealth School of Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, Danville, Pennsylvania, USA

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