• Lectures / Webinars
  • Pediatric Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors: New Classifications, Molecular Understandings and Targeted Therapy
Pediatric Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors: New Classifications, Molecular Understandings and Targeted Therapy

Pediatric Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors: New Classifications, Molecular Understandings and Targeted Therapy

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Course Description

Pediatric mixed neuronal-glial tumors are an increasingly recognized subtype of childhood brain tumors (BTs), frequently causing seizures. The most recent WHO classification of pediatric BTs identifies 13 different neuronalglial tumor types. Over the past decades there has been an explosion of knowledge concerning their molecular makeup, with the majority having distinct molecular signatures. This session will review the clinical, radiographic, histopathologic and molecular aspects of neuronal-glial BTs and closely aligned low-grade gliomas and summarize new data concerning the effectiveness of novel molecular targeted approaches.

Learning Objectives

  1. To inform attendees of the new understandings of the molecular constitution of pediatric neuronal-glial BTs and closely aligned pediatric gliomas, so as to better direct therapies.
  2. To summarize the potential molecular therapies available for pediatric neuronal-glial BTs and how such therapy can dramatically affect outcome; the potential toxicities of these new agents will also be discussed. Impact Statements
  3. Understand the molecular differences between the different subtypes of pediatric low-grade neuronal-glial tumors and how these differences affect management and prognosis.
  4. Understand the potential new therapies available for these lesions, the indications for molecular-targeted therapy and the common side effects of such treatment.

Roger J. Packer, MD;
Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC

USA Histologic and Histoimmunologic Classification of Pediatric Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors
Brent Orr, MD, PhD; St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

Neuroradiographic Features of Pediatric Neuronal-Glial Tumors
Gilbert Vézina, MD, FACR; Children’s National Hospital, Washington D.C., USA

Molecular Classification and Resultant Therapeutic Implications of Pediatric Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors
David T. W. Jones, PhD; Hopp Children’s Cancer Center, Heidelberg, Germany

New Understandings and Molecular-Targeted Therapies for Pediatric Neuronal-Glial Tumors
Roger J. Packer, MD
Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC

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