ICNA Future Leaders

Jo M Wilmshurst

The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) is establishing a trainee hub - "ICNA Future Leaders", as a focal point for child neurology doctors who are in training or newly qualified. The ICNA would like to provide focused support for the unique needs of this group.

We invite you to send us topics would you like to discuss further and areas which you would identify as of strategic need.

The first formal "ICNA Future Leaders" get together will be at the 2016 ICNC in Amsterdam but the group will be encouraged to communicate via social media and the residents' forum on ICNApedia ( http://icnapedia.org/residents )in the interim.

Jo Wilmshurst
Secretary, ICNA
Head of Paediatric Neurology
Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital
University of Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: 021 658 5434
Fax: 021 689 1287
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