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  • Call for Proposals 2016 for "Clinical research for new therapeutic uses of already existing molecules (repurposing) in rare diseases

Call for Proposals 2016 for "Clinical research for new therapeutic uses of already existing molecules (repurposing) in rare diseases


E-Rare-3 Call for Proposals 2016 for "Clinical research for new therapeutic uses of already existing molecules (repurposing) in rare diseases".

The eighth E-Rare joint call for funding multilateral research projects on rare diseases (JTC2016) will be open on the 7 December 2015. The following 14 countries intend to participate in this call: Austria, Canada (including Quebec), France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey.

The specific objective of this call is to promote the clinical and pre-clinical proof of concept for the potential application of medicinal products in rare indications either already marketed or having achieved a significant stage in the development process.

Two types of projects will be eligible for this call: 

Type A: Preclinical studies to verify target engagement and to perform additional toxicity testing if necessary (for example in the case of paediatric indications where juvenile animal studies might be warranted) in a disease model for a maximum period of one year followed by the implementation of Phase 1b or Phase 2a clinical trials at the beginning of the second year of the project.

Type B: Milestone-driven Phase 2 clinical trials to demonstrate that the Agent modulates the target and has the potential to yield the desired clinical outcome in the proposed disease population for a period up to three years. Projects shall involve a group of rare diseases or a single rare disease following the European definition i.e. a disease affecting not more than five in 10.000 persons in the European Community, EC associated states and Canada.

The use of existing European health research infrastructures or initiatives is strongly encouraged when appropriate. The following European Research Infrastructures or Initiatives were identified as potentially useful for this kind of study: BBMRI; EATRIS; ECRIN; ELIXIR; EU-OPENSCREEN; INFRAFRONTIER; RD-Connect and European Medicines Agency

For more information, visit the E-Rare website http://erare.eu/

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