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  • AAN International Scholarship Award - applications due October 15

AAN International Scholarship Award - applications due October 15


aanAAN International Scholarship Award - applications due October 15

Dear Members of the Global Health Section,

Please share the information below with any potential candidates and let me know if you have any questions.

The AAN is now accepting applications for the 2013 International Scholarship Award. This scholarship is designed to provide eligible international candidates the opportunity to attend and participate in the Annual Meeting. It is not necessary to be a member to apply. The International Subcommittee will award up to thirteen scholarships to eligible applicants who demonstrate financial need and interest in attending the Annual Meeting. Five awards will be given based on the quality of the submitted abstract; eight awards will be given based on other criteria such as personal need and country of origin.

Recipient will receive:

· Waived registration for the 2013 Annual Meeting

· Waived fee to attend selected educational courses

· Waived fee to attend certain scientific programs

· Up to a $2,500 reimbursement toward Annual Meeting expenses to include hotel accommodations, round trip coach airfare to the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting and meal expenses. In order to be reimbursed, recipients will be required to utilize American Academy of Neurology travel services to arrange airfare and lodging. The scholarship recipients are responsible for obtaining their own visas, but the AAN will provide documentation that recipient has received the scholarship, if required to obtain the visa. Expenses over $2,500 will be the recipient's responsibility.

The application as well as eligibility requirements can be found at http://www.aan.com/science/awards/?fuseaction=home.info&id=33

Application Deadline is October 15, 2012.

Best regards,
Franziska Schwarz

Franziska B. Schwarz, CEM
Program Manager, Exhibits and Affiliate Meetings
American Academy of Neurology
201 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Direct: 612.928.6015 Fax: 612.454.2753
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.aan.com

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