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Journal Watch
Biju Hameed
Biju Hameed
Updated May 25, 2019 1066 0
Epilepsia 60 (5):872-884
Modest improvements in IQ in children with epilepsy who underwent epilepsy surgery, a finding which was not seen in children with severe epilepsy who did not undergo surgery. 
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Journal Watch
Updated October 22, 2017 2328 0
Epilepsia Volume 58, Issue 9 September 2017
To identify potential pharmacokinetic interactions between the pharmaceutical formulation of cannabidiol (CBD; Epidiolex) and the commonly used antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) through an open-label safety study. Serum levels were monitored to identify interactions between CBD and AEDs.
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Journal Watch
April 17, 2017 5164 0
Epilepsia Volume 58, Issue 4 April 2017 Pages 531–542
This companion paper to the introduction of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) 2017 classification of seizure types provides guidance on how to employ the classification. Illustration of the classification is enacted by tables, a glossary of relevant terms, mapping of old to new terms, suggested abbreviations, and examples. Basic and extended versions of the classification are available, depending on the desired degree of detail. Key signs and symptoms of seizures (semiology) are used as a basis for categories of seizures that are focal or generalized from onset or with unknown onset. Any focal seizure can further be optionally...
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Journal Watch
Updated June 10, 2016 8612 0
Epilepsia. 2016 Jun 5
Results of an observational cohort study examining malformation rates in 1461 pregnancies exposed to AED monotherapy and 484 pregnancies exposed to AED polytherapy over a 15-year period (1999-2014) based on the data for the outcomes of completed pregnancies recorded in the Australian Pregnancy Register from 1999 to the end of 2014 suggests fetal malformation rates have increased in polytherapy pregnancies over time, while rates had fallen in monotherapy pregnancies. Interestingly the increase in fetal malformation rates in polytherapy pregnancies seemed to have started to rise around 2005. This is around the time when the use of levetiracetam and topiramate...
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Journal Watch
Updated November 28, 2012 8461 0
Epilepsia. 2011 Apr;52(4):826-36
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Journal Watch
Updated October 12, 2012 24208 1
Epilepsia 52 Suppl 3 ():5-11
A pathogenic role of immunity in epilepsies has long been suggested based on observations of the efficacy of immune-modulating treatments and, more recently, by the finding of inflammation markers including autoantibodies in individuals with a number of epileptic disorders. Clinical and experimental data suggest that both innate and adaptive immunity may be involved in epilepsy. Innate immunity represents an immediate, nonspecific host response against pathogens via activation of resident brain immune cells and inflammatory mediators. These are hypothesized to contribute to seizures and epileptogenesis. Adaptive immunity employs activation of antigen-specific B and T lymphocytes or antibodies in the context...
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Journal Watch
Updated July 20, 2012 7501 0
Epilepsia. 2011 Apr;52(4):788-93
Intranasal administration of lorazepam is not found to be inferior to intravenous administration for termination of acute convulsive seizures in children
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