Lieven Lagae

Lieven Lagae

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University Hospital Gasthuisberg

Lieven Lagae is Full Professor and Head of Paediatric Neurology Department at the
University Hospitals of Leuven, Belgium. He has a particular clinical and scientific interest in childhood epilepsy and is involved in many research projects including zebrafish epilepsy models, the use of fenfluramine and analogues in Dravet and refractory epilepsy syndromes.
Lieven Lagae is a past President of the European Paediatric Neurology Society. He is one of the Directors of the European Brain Foundation and Member of the Steering Committee of EpiCare, the European Reference Network for Rare and Complex epilepsies. He chairs the Medical Therapy Commission of the International League of Epilepsy (ILAE).
He serves at several scientific journal editorial boards and pharma company advisory boards. Currently, he is Associate Editor for ‘Epileptic Disorders’ and ‘Epilepsy Research’.
He received the ‘Cures within Reach Patient Impact Clinical Award’ in 2017, the 2019 Honorary Award of German speaking Pediatric Neurology Society and the 2019 Aicardi Award of the EPNS. In 2023, he became an International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Ambassador.

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