Hoon-Chul Kang

 Division of Pediatric Neurology, 
Department of Pediatrics, 
Severance Children’s Hospital, 
Yonsei University College of Medicine, seoul, 


Kang was born in 1968 in Seoul. He studied at the Yonsei University College of Medicine of Korea. In 1992, he received his Bachelor's degree of medical science there. Afterwards, he started his residence of pediatrics and pediatric neurology at the Severance Hospital affiliated with Yonsei University in 1997, which he finished in 2002. After that, he got an assistant professor position at the Inje University, and later, in the year 2009, he became a clinical associate professor at the pediatric neurology department of the Yonsei University. In 2013, he became a full professor. He has been interested in the various therapeutic modalities for pediatric epilepsy including clinical trials of antiepileptic drugs, diet therapy and epilepsy surgery and also wrote many articles on those themes.


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