Georgia Ramantani


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Professor, University Childrens Hospital Zurich

Professor Georgia Ramantani is the Head of the EEG & Epilepsy Unit, including a dedicated Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Program, at the Department of Neuropediatrics, University Children's Hospital Zurich, the largest tertiary pediatric institution in Switzerland. She is also heading the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Taskforce of the International League Against Epilepsy and is a board member of the Swiss League Against Epilepsy and of the Swiss/German/Austrian Working group for presurgical evaluation and surgical therapy. She has published over 100 research articles in international journals on pediatric epilepsies, focusing on epilepsy surgery for refractory focal lesional epilepsies. In addition, she is heading the Pediatric Epilepsy research group at the University Children's Hospital Zurich, encompassing EEG, MRI, and cognitive research in pediatric epilepsies, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and several private foundations.

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