Kyoko Hoshino


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Segawa memorial neurological clinic for children
1990 Toho University, Medical Centers, Pediatric
2000 Segawa Neurological Clinic for Children
2003 Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering, Laboratory of Pharmacology
2005 Saitama Medical Center, Pediatrics
2010 Director of Pediatric. Minami Wakayama Medical Center
2014 Director, Neurological Clinic for Children
2017 Director, Segawa Memorial Neurological Clinic for Children

Specialty Board Certification
Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Japanese Society of Sleep Research,
Movement Disorder Society of Japan
Academic Appointments
Visiting Lecturer Toho University, School of Medicine
AOCCN ground round lecture Segawa disease (2022)

Research Projects
2001 Started a promotion ‘wake-up early in the morning for children”
2012 Founded association of very low dose of levodopa therapy
2016 Director, Tourette Syndrome Association of Japan

2013 Official Commendation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology
in Japan
2018 Excellent Abstract Award of the society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan
2021 Distinguished Services Prize of Japan Medical Association

Memberships International
International Child Neurological Association
Asian Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology
Movement Disorder Society (MDS Task Force on Pediatric)

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