Viraj Sanghi


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Consultant Paediatric Neurologist,
SRCC Children's hospital, Mumbai, India

I am a consultant Paediatric Neurologist with over 20 years of experience in clinical practice in Mumbai, India. In addition, I have been an Associate Professor of Neurology with the University of Mumbai for more than 11 years. My areas of interest are Neuromuscular disorders and Stroke.

In addition to the above, I am passionate about Paediatric Neuro-Palliative care as well as Medical Ethics and serve on the Ethics Committee of SRCC Children’s Hospital.

Providing holistic care to children with special needs is paramount and towards this goal I also serve on the Rehabilitation committee at the Center for Child Development at the hospital. I have been instrumental in developing the Family Centred Care policy and practice at the hospital.

I also believe that it is important to provide resources and affordable healthcare to all individuals in our society and, with this objective, serve as an active trustee of Neurology Foundation, a charitable trust that promotes patient care and education.

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