Darcy Krueger


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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Darcy Krueger received MD and PhD degrees from Saint Louis University, and joined the faculty at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center after completing child neurology residency training in 2007. He is now the Clack Endowed Professor in Tuberous Sclerosis and Director of Administration and Research for the Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic and Center of Excellence at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. In 2011, Dr. Krueger helped establish the Tuberous Sclerosis Clinical Research Consortium in the United States which has been focused since its inception on understanding and treating autism, intellectual disability, and epilepsy in patients diagnosed with TSC. Under Dr. Krueger’s leadership, the Tuberous Sclerosis Translational and Clinical Research Program at Cincinnati Children’s has continuously maintained funding support from government, foundation, and industry partners since 2012. In recognition of his contributions to tuberous sclerosis research and improvement of clinical care for individuals with tuberous sclerosis, Dr. Krueger received the prestigious Manuel R. Gomez award from the TSC Alliance in 2019.

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