Juan Darío Ortigoza-Escobar


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Chief of the Movement Disorders Unit,
Pediatric Neurology Department, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Juan Darío Ortigoza-Escobar graduated in medicine from the National University of Asunción, Paraguay, in 2005. He achieved specialization in clinical pediatrics in 2008, completed the Pediatric MIR and its Specific Areas in 2013, earned a Master in Neuropediatrics in 2014, and obtained a doctorate from the University of Barcelona in 2017. Benefiting from AGAUR and Rio Hortega scholarships between 2014 and 2017, he currently serves as a Chief at the Movement Disorders Unit of Sant Joan de Déu Hospital since 2018. Additionally, he coordinates the disease group on Chorea and Huntington Disease in the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Disorders (ERN-RND). Dr. Ortigoza has authored over 50 scientific articles, focusing on rare diseases, with research emphasizing genetic causes and available treatments, including deep brain stimulation. He oversees three doctoral candidates, initiated the international registry for patients with hereditary benign chorea (NKX2-1), and directs the clinical guidelines for NKX2-1.

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