Cheryl Hemingway


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Dr Cheryl Hemingway has been a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist for over 20 years. She has worked and trained in paediatric neurology at Red Cross Children’s Hospital, South Africa; Johns Hopkins, USA and in the UK, and has been a full time Neurology Consultant at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital (GOSH) from 2006. Her PhD from Imperial College, London used RNA array technology to explore the host immune response to brain inflammation and infection, and she has used the expertise gained from this to provide specialised clinical care to children with rare neuro-inflammatory disorders. She leads the National Inherited White Matter Disorders Service at GOSH as well as the Neuroinflammatory Disease Service. This is the largest clinic in the UK for children with Multiple Sclerosis, MOGAD and other rare demyelinating and neuroinflammatory disorders. She is also research active, with a number of recent important publications and holds an MRC Clinical Academic Research Partnership Award. She is on the steering committee for the International Pediatric MS Study group and sits on a number of advisory panels for MS trial design.

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