Hans Hartmann

Hannover Medical School,
Clinic for Pediatric Kidney,
Liver and Metabolic Diseases,
Hannover, Germany

Hans Hartmann, born 1961, is an agricultural engineer who graduated from University of Agricultural Sciences in Göttingen (Germany) and received the PhD degree at Munich University of Technology (TUM) in 1992.

In the same year he also started his professional career on biomass research. At TUM he built up a research group on solid biofuels which was in 2003 completely relocated to the newly founded State Reseach Institute for Renewable Raw Materials (TFZ) in Straubing in Eastern Bavaria.

He is now the head of the Solid Biofuels Department at TFZ. This department covers a wide research scope ranging from biofuel upgrading, fuel quality assurance issues (including international standardisation) up to combustion and emission control with particular focus on domestic furnaces. Apart from research the department also organises knowledge and technology transfer to the public by regular seminars and workshops.

Hans Hartmann is member of a handful of national an international boards and committees and he is author and (co-)editor of several books, e.g. “Energy from Biomass” (at Springer Press), or the Handbook Small Scale Biomass Applications (both in German Language). He joined the IEA Bioenergy Task 32 in 2006.

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