Haluk Topaloğlu

Hacettepe Children’s Hospital,
Ankara, Turkey

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Professor of Pediatrics,
Yeditepe University, İstanbul, Turkey

Prof. Haluk Topaloğlu graduated from Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara, Turkey in 1978 and completed his specialty in Pediatrics at the same Institute in 1982.

He served as the Secretary of the World Muscle Society (WMS) from 2001-2019 and worked on the Executive Boards of the International Child Neurology Society (ICNA), Infantile Seizure Soicety (ISS), Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA), Mediterranean Society of Myology (MSM) and is currently Co-chair of the ICNA Neurology through Art and Time (NTAT) Humanities Committee. .
He has aided in the development of novel therapies for Pediatric neuromuscular disorders.

He is on the editorial boards of Neuropediatrics, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, Annals of Child Neurology Society and is currently Associate Editor of the Neuromuscular Disorders journal

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