Banu Anlar x200Status: Ongoing

Dr Ibrahim Öncel, Turkey
Dr Banu Anlar, Turkey (Senior investigator)

The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) is conducting a study on “Global burden of measles: A registry of neurological complications” to contribute to the knowledge on neurological complications of measles infection.

Globally, there has been resurgence of measles, even in countries where it had been considered essentially eradicated. This GBOD is led by Dr. Anlar and involves a multicenter database which is collecting data on neurological complications of measles infection in children, and involves ICNA researchers in many countries.

With the COVID-19 pandemic situation concerns have been raised that measles outbreaks may occur because of the delay in implementing vaccination programmes1.

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 1Roberts, M. (2020). Measles resurgence fear amid coronavirus. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from

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