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  • ILAE-CAA Epilepsy Conference March 24-25 2015 Durban

ILAE-CAA Epilepsy Conference March 24-25 2015 Durban


Dear Colleagues

We are delighted to invite you to the Commission on African Affairs (CAA) and Internaonal League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Epilepsy Conference, to be held in the beauful city of Durban at the Maharani Hotel, situated on Durban's Golden Mile, from the 24 to the 25 March 2015. Durban situated on South Africa's east coast, is renowned for its warm beaches, natural heritage and diverse mix of cultures. We hope that this will be an interesng, clinically relevant meeng.

The one and a half day meeng consists of a half day praccal EEG workshop and a full day lecture programme. The theme of the meeng is “Approaches to Epilepsy across the ages. New understandings, essenal updates and good pracce recommendaons”.

The scienfic programme will cover topics relevant to paediatric and adult epilepsy and includes a basic sciences, neurophysiology and neuroradiology component. We have a presgious faculty of respected internaonal and local speakers all experts in their fields. The CAA is the ILAE regional group for Africa and aims to run regular educaonal workshops in Africa.

The 2015 Epilepsy meeng sees a historic collaboraon with the 12th Internaonal meeng of the Society of Neurosciensts of Africa (SONA) and will precede Africa's premier neuroscience conference. This will provide the ideal pla7orm for cross‐pollinaon of clinicians (paediatric neurologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and neuro‐technologists) with basic neurosciensts from across Africa and abroad, to showcase advances in the field of Epilepsy.

We invite individuals and organisaons with an interest in Epilepsy, including: neurology and paediatric trainees, clinical neurologists, paediatricians and psychiatrists, neuro‐technologists and Epilepsy nurses. We will be offering 10 bursaries to both local and internaonal trainees to cover flights, accommodaon and registraon fees. This will be based on the merits of an abstract submi;ed by the applicant (see website for bursary applicaon procedure).

The registraon form and details of registraon fees for other delegates can be found at www.sona2015.com. We look forward to meeng you in Durban in 2015. Best Wishes Organising Commiee ‐ Commission on African Affairs (CAA) and Internaonal League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Epilepsy Conference

We look forward to meeng you in Durban in 2015.

Best Wishes

Organising Commiee ‐ Commission on African Affairs (CAA) and Internaonal League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Epilepsy Conference

Dr Rajeshree Govender
Dr Ansuya Naidoo
Professor Jo Wilmshurst
CAA and ILAE Epilepsy Conference 2015 Convenor

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