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  • The 16th International Child Neurology Congress is going virtual

The 16th International Child Neurology Congress is going virtual


ICNC2020 is going virtual

b2ap3 small jo pic clipped rev 1x20 20191104 132929 1The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on many of our lives and practices. The demands on health care have inevitably drawn our focus away from child neurology and child health in general. The ramification of the disruption to child health will be seen for years to come. Early intervention programs have become disrupted (e.g. measles vaccination, hearing screens), delayed presentation of children with neurological diseases and interruption of standard care for many of our patients, to name a few of the consequences of this pandemic. The impact on health care facilities and the staff within, cannot be measured in numbers alone.

Out of this awful situation, as clinicians, we need to explore optimal ways to support our patients, their carers and the colleagues with whom we work and collaborate. The pandemic has pushed us to innovate new ways to rise above the obstructions it has created.

Many of us have had to re-educate our ability to communicate via social media, we have had to re-organize our service structures, and help families make the decisions about balancing life activities vitally needed for their children but still maintaining social distancing. Without training, education and research we will stagnate and fail to evolve to offer optimal care for our patients.

The biannual ICNA congresses, and the education programs coordinated through the ICNA, are a vital part of this education. Enabling clinicians to present and debate their research and best care practices at an international level is essential to maintain a global approach to health care. Together we are stronger. Following on from this, the CNS/ICNC working group led by Jonathan Mink, Roger Larson and Philip Pearl have been endeavoring to construct the best congress to address the needs of child neurologists. After significant consideration, the decision has been made for the meeting to be fully virtual.

Whilst we were looking forward to seeing colleagues face to face, and traveling to San Diego, this clearly is not possible in the current times. However, as with many recent events this is an incredibly exciting opportunity. I am so pleased that the CNS were awarded the 16th ICNC as I cannot imagine a more innovative group who will mold the current high quality congress format into a virtual meeting. Based on the superb range and depth of presentations from the plenaries, to the symposia, the platform presentations and the posters, as well as the opportunities for the Special Interest Groups to meet and consolidate future initiatives, the congress itself could not be cancelled or even deferred.

The ICNA will support CNS using all of its resources to ensure that the 16th virtual ICNC meets all participant expectations and that the experience of those attending the virtual congress leaves them replete and inspired by the knowledge gained.

With my respect to the CNS team, ICNA is looking forward to supporting you in this next adventure.

Stay safe ICNA colleagues and wear your masks!

Jo Wilmshurst

The Joint 16th International Child Neurology Congress & 49th Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting will be staged virtually/on-line in mid-October

Dates and times for live programming will be reviewed and reconfigured in the coming weeks. The virtual meeting will likely begin earlier and end later than the original October 19-23 dates with on-demand options possibly available for registered delegates well beyond October.

Presentation guidelines will be sent to speakers and poster presenters in early August when the meeting schedule has been reconfigured and the virtual meeting structure fully programmed. Ancillary meetings will also be included as part of the virtual meeting, including:

NDC Symposium
Pellock Seminar
CNCDP Retreat
ACNN Meeting
PCN and PCCN Meetings

Registration will open in early/mid August

The Virtual Joint 16th International Child Neurology Congress & 49th Annual Meeting will include: The full lineup of CME-accredited plenary lectures, symposia, seminars, workshops, meet-the-expert sessions and posters (more than 750!) originally scheduled for San Diego Dates and times may be rearranged to ensure optimal access to the full range of content, with some sessions live-streamed each day and all sessions available on demand Multiple social/networking opportunities throughout the meeting.

A robust virtual exhibit hall featuring commercial and non-profit partners and providers both old and new Industry-sponsored CME sessions and product theaters A strong line-up of fully committed, generously supportive corporate partners eager to explore new and exciting collaborative opportunities with child neurologists in our fast-changing field


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