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  • ICNA : Foundation and Purpose

ICNA : Foundation and Purpose


The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) was founded on 12 September 1973, during the Xth International Congress of Neurology in Barcelona, Spain.

The Foundation
The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) was founded on 12 September 1973, during the Xth International Congress of Neurology in Barcelona, Spain.

The Articles of Association were approved by Royal Decree by Baudouin, King of Belgium on 14 August 1974. The registered office remains in Belgium but the Associations day to day business is transacted from offices of the Executive Office-Bearers of the day.

The Purpose
As set out in the Constitution, the general purpose of the Association is:

1. To create a non profit association of child neurologists and members of allied professions from all parts of the world dedicated to promoting clinical and scientific research in the field of child neurology and encouraging the recognition of child neurologists competence and scope of practice.

2. To provide at an international level an outlet for interchange of scientific and professional opinions for the benefit and advancement of the neurological sciences in infancy and childhood.

3. To establish international scientific meetings, international co-operative studies, publications, translations, audio-visual material and to encourage international exchange of teachers and students in the field of child neurology.

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