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  • Brain Plasticity in Epilepsy Leuven, Belgium, May 13 – 16, 2017

Brain Plasticity in Epilepsy Leuven, Belgium, May 13 – 16, 2017


A unique meeting on "Brain Plasticity in Epilepsy" will be  held in Leuven, Belgium, May 13 – 16, 2017. Our goal is to provide a highly interactive forum for clinical practitioners and researchers with a focus on brain reorganization in epilepsy and how brain plasticity affects motor, cognitive and imaging aspects. We are very honored to be hosting an expert faculty of distinguished international speakers on the following topics: brain networks in epilepsy epileptogenesis and functional plasticity brain reorganization in epilepsy: motor, cognitive and imaging aspects disconnection in epilepsy neuromodulation prediction of seizures and outcomes We encourage you to submit an abstract and share your research with other experts in the field of epilepsy. 

Epilepsy is a network disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and the neurobiologic, cognitive and psychosocial consequences of this condition. Time is ripe for a reunion of neurologists, neurosurgeons, imaging specialists, neuropediatrricians and neuroscientists to address the role of brain plasticity in epilepsy. We will review plastic changes in brain networks in epilepsy, animal models of epileptogenesis, and how we could influence these processes. We will focus on brain reorganization in epilepsy and how brain plasticity affects motor, cognitive and imaging aspects. We will address state-of-the-art disconnection procedures in epilepsy surgery, disconnection syndromes and how plastic changes after disconnections could affect outcome. Finally, we will focus on the dynamics of the epileptic brain and how we could use different modulation techniques to treat refractory epilepsy. This international symposium will feature advances in the conceptualization of these strategies and a better understanding of brain plasticity that should be integrated into clinical decision making. 

The proceedings of the meeting will be published as review articles in Acta Neurologica Belgica.

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