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  • ICNA Future Leaders Programme

ICNA Future Leaders Programme


 At the Amsterdam ICNC in May 2016 interested members of the ICNA met to discuss a way forward to provide support for trainees and newly qualified child neurologists (within 5 years)

Summary of key points raised at this meeting were:

Direction of how to learn and what to learn for trainees
Educational meetings – especially focused on-site educational meetings

How to put a grant together (Plan a symposium at the next ICNC2018 on this)

Support from the EB with guidance on projects – developing viable protocols
Big support for need for fellowships to support skills development in RPS
On-line training resources – identify and support ICNApedia as a resource and portal
Promotion of telemedicine to discuss complex cases

Career advice
Guidance from established ICNA members on career development to trainees before taking up permanent posts and losing the capacity to adjust career path. Distance mentorship would avoid a conflict of interest but may need to include individuals from same country who know the local system best.

Learn how to advocate for patients and for what is needed for the profession (Plan a session at ICNC2018)

The next stage
A working group need to be elected. This group would predominantly hold "virtual meetings", communicating via e-mail and skype and coming together at opportunistic meetings which they would be attending routinely e.g. ICNCs. The lead for this working group will be funded to attend the ICNA EB meetings (once a year) to feedback progress and developments in the program.

We call for nominations for members who would like to be part of this committee. There will be regional representation and the committee will rotate every 4 years. Two doctors from each of the ICNA regions (Africa,
Eastern Asia-Oceania, Europe, North America, South America, West Asia) will be elected to the committee. The person with the greatest number of votes will be the leader.

Please complete the online form if you would like to submit your nomination.

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