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  • MSc Course in Epilepsy (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London)

MSc Course in Epilepsy (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London)


Admissions are now open for the MSc Course in Epilepsy at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London. This is a multidisciplinary programme covering topics related to all aspects of human epilepsy, from underlying neurobiological mechanisms to clinical aspects and psycho-social consequences. The course includes core modules and a research project in addition to practical clinical experience.

9780521691581This year a textbook is also introduced that follows the course syllabus which will be an invaluable aid to the students, in addition to constituting excellent didactic stand-alone learning material. The textbook is called “Introduction to Epilepsy, and is published by Cambridge University Press.


  • The world's first multi-disciplinary degree course on epilepsy.
  • This unique programme includes practical experience in clinical or research departments.
  • The course covers topics related to all aspects of human epilepsy from underlying neurobiological mechanisms to clinical aspects and psycho-social consequences.


Programme leader/s

Dr Gonzalo Alarcon

Awarding institution
King's College London
Credit value (UK/ECTS equivalent)
UK 180/ECTS 90

One year FT, two years PT, September to September.

Denmark Hill Campus.
Student destinations
Most graduates progress in their chosen field such as neuroscience, mental health nurses, epilepsy specialist nurses, paediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, EEG technologists, occupational therapists, GPs; and about 10 per cent go on to do a PhD.
Year of entry 2013

Offered by
Institute of Psychiatry
Department of Clinical Neuroscience

For more information follow the links below:


This course is not affiliated to, prepared by or financially supported by the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) , nor is any implication of the same intended by this announcement. A fee has not been paid to the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) for this advertisement.

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