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  • The Myotubular Trust invites applications for research funding

The Myotubular Trust invites applications for research funding


petri dishThe Myotubular Trust announces A Fifth Call To Grant Application. The trust is looking to fund further projects that will help find a cure and/or a treatment for any of the three types of myotubular myopathy (congenital X-linked recessive; congenital autosomal recessive; autosomal dominant), focusing on research that would not generally be funded by public or industrial funding sources. The call is open to research bodies internationally.

To date, the trust have awarded six research grants / fellowships for the following projects:

  • Gene therapy for x-linked myotubular myopathy and pathophysiology – Dr Anna Buj Bello, Genethon, Evry
  • Membrane trafficking and T tubule structure and function in a canine model of centronuclear myopathies – Dr Richard Piercy, Royal Veterinary College, London
  • Deciphering the molecular pathway involving centronuclear myopathy genes – Manuela D’Alessandro, IGBMC, Illkirch
  • Gene therapy for autosomal dominant centronuclear myopathy by Transplicing – Dr Marc Bitoun, INSERM, Paris
  • Next generation sequencing to tackle centronuclear myopathies – Dr Jocelyn Laporte, IGBMC, France
  • Secondary pathogenic mechanisms in XLMTM and CNM – Dr Susan Treves, Basel University Hospital, Basel and Dr Heinz Jungbluth, King’s College London

In particular the trust encourages the application of new technologies to research into myotubular myopathy, which may involve collaboration between different medical disciplines and / or different research institutions. They are also willing to consider applications which involve joint funding with other organisations.

Please see the Myotubular trust Research Programme & Grants Information Page to read more and download an application form.

Source: The Myotubular Trust

The Myotubular Trust is not affiliated to The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA)

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