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  • North African and Middle East Journal of Epilepsy

North African and Middle East Journal of Epilepsy


najeA new journal of Epilepsy the North African and Middle East Journal of Epilepsy has started publication. The journal will be the mouthpiece of the Leagues and Associations of the East Mediterranean Region of the International Bureau of Epilepsy and The International League Against Epilepsy. From Mauritania in the West to Pakistan in the East, this covers 20 countries in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

National Leagues or Associations represented by the journal include the Algerian League Against Epilepsy, Egyptian Society Against Epilepsy, Jordanian League Against Epilepsy, Kuwait League Against Epilepsy, Lebanese League Against Epilepsy, Qatar League Against Epilepsy, Moroccan Association Against Epilepsy, Moroccan League Against Epilepsy, Tunisian Association Against Epilepsy, Saudi Chapter of Epilepsy, Sudanese League Against Epilepsy, and Syrian League Against Epilepsy.

Najib Kissani from University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, is the editor-in-chief of this new journal ,with articles published in French or English. Currently six issues and 2 supplements per year are proposed. Dr. Kissani says that this new journal addresses several unmet regional needs. There is a wide disparity in epilepsy care among the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.

Egypt has 400 neurologists, whereas Mauritania has 3. Even affluent countries, such as Algeria, the Gulf countries, Lebanon, and Tunisia, have only 1 neurologist for 35,000 residents, while poorer countries, such as Mauritania, Somalia, and Yemen, have less than 1 neurologist per 2 million persons. There are several unmet needs when it comes to care of neurological disorders in these regions which this new journal hopes to cover. Epilepsy still carries a lot of stigma in these countries and for want of better resources, several preventable causes of epilepsy still remains untackled.

The three current regional neuroscience journals, Neurosciences (Saudi Arabia), Current Alzheimer Research (United Arab Emirates), and CNS & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets (United Arab Emirates), are not particularly focused on epilepsy. The North African and Middle East Journal of Epilepsy will provide a platform for regional physicians to disseminate their clinical experience and research , though submissions are invited from physicians all over the world.

Besides scientific articles, other contributions including stories experienced by patients with epilepsy, physicians or other professionals involved in epilepsy" and news from regional societies, leagues, and associations against epilepsy are also invited. Articles are currently invited in either French or English. The journal is not currently indexed in Medline.

The inaugural issue included an editorial on the state of epilepsy in the North African and Middle East region in light of the Arab Spring, a case report of polymicrogyria, a history of the Tunisian Association Against Epilepsy, and articles on epilepsy in Mali and Gambia. The journal is sponsored by the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, Moroccan Association Against Epilepsy, Moroccan League Against Epilepsy, and the Watania Press. The staff includes 12 associate editors, 2 editorial assistants, and 45 reviewers from multiple countries. There are both print and online editions and the subscription is fee based.

Download the January 2012 issue here

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