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  • ICNA Council of Delegates

ICNA Council of Delegates

Dr Kenneth Mack

In an effort to increase the communication between local child neurology societies and the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA), the ICNA Executive Board has approved a newly formed Council of Delegates (COD). Our long term plan is to have each national or regional child neurology society send a delegate to the Council of Delegates (COD).


To date, the COD includes over 40 child neurology organizations. The mission of this COD will be to increase communication and foster collaboration among our local child neurology societies, and between these local societies and the ICNA. The delegates to the COD are determined by each local society.

The ICNA Educational Committee seeks to support speakers from ICNA to regional pediatric or child neurology conferences. The ICNA would support round trip economy airfare for a speaker to give 2 talks at a local conference. The local conference committee would be responsible for housing and registration. Please contact Prof. Kenneth J Mack  for more details.

If you would like to contribute any items to future editions of the ICNA  Newsletter, please let Professor Ken Mack or Professor Wilmshurst know. If you would like to make any contributions to the website ( http://www.icnapedia.org/ ), please let Prof Ken Mack or Dr Biju Hameed aware of your needs.The COD is a very exciting development for the ICNA. We truly believe that this effort will help to foster international communication and collaboration.
Kenneth J. Mack, MD PhD
International Child Neurology Association
Mayo Clinic
200 First St SW Rochester,
MN 55905
507 284 3351
507 284 0727 (fax)

ICNA Council Of Delegates

The Council of Delegates is loosely based on the WFN and will be made up of a delegate from each national or regional child neurology society.The purpose of this COD will be to increase communication and foster collaboration among the regional societies, and between these local societies and the ICNA.The delegates to the COD would be determined by each local society.

Prof Kenneth J. Mack will serve as liaison between the ICNA Board and the ICNA COD.The list has different levels of representation from major organizations to smaller groups. The COD is not a fixed exclusive group but an open committee but would not have specific “power” or voting rights over ICNA.

Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Association Yoichi Sakakihara,M.D
Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists Richard Webster
Baltic Child Neurology Association Tiina Talvik
Barnenevrologisk Interessegruppe (Norway) Björn Bjurulf
British Paediatric Neurology Association Finbar O'Callaghan

Chinese Child Neurology Society (CCNS)

Dr Yuwu Jiang
Child Neurology Society (US) Jonathan Mink
Child Neurology Society of Slovenian Medical Association Zvonka Rener Primec
Dansk Neuropædiatrisk Selskab Dr. Peter Born
Ecuador Galo Pesantez Cuesta
Egyptian Neuro Pediatric Society Ibrahim Shoukry
Egyptian Society of Child Neuro-Psychiatry Ahmed Raouf Ibrahim
European Paediatric Neurology Society Colin kennedy
Dana Craiu
Hellenic Paediatric Neurology Association Dimitrios I Zafeiriou, MD, PhD
Hrvatskog Društva za Dječju Neurologiju (Croatia) Biserka Resic
Iberoamerican Society of Pediatric Neurology Hugo Arroyo
Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP) Prof. Alberto Verrotti
Korean Child Neurology Association Dong Wook KIM
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kinderneurologie Coriene Catsman-Berrevoets
Paediatric Neurology and Development Association of South Africa Andre Venter
Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong (PNAHK) Virginia Wong
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie Maja Steinlin
Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia Infantil (SBNI) Marilisa Guerreiro
Sociedad Mexicana de Neurologia Pediatrica Jose Antonio Infante Cantu
Société Européenne de Neurologie Pédiatrique (SENP) Prof Bernard Echenne
Spanish Pediatric Neurology Society (SENEP) Jaume Campistol
Svensk Neuropediatrisk Förening Martin Jägervall
Taiwan Child Neurology Society Kun-Lung Hung
Turkish Child Neurology Society

Hasan Tekgül


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