
Dear Friends and Colleagues

Dear Friends and Colleagues

I apologize if communication has been deficient in the past year, but I wanted to let you know that ACNA is not a forgotten cause.

With the changeover of the new ICNA board, the focus moved from Africa to a broader international one, yet we were still able to arrange a very successful meeting in Tunisia through ICNA and the endeavours of Prof Jo Wilmshurst who works tirelessly to improve teaching and training in Africa.

  There is an Epilepsy teaching course from the 11 – 13th Feb 2016 which I know some of you are attending in Cape Town. Train the trainer is now oversubscribed, but there is still place available to do the course on Saturday 13th Feb. I look forward to meeting with you there. 

  During 31st August – 2nd September, 2016, PANDA (Paediatric Neurology and Developmental Assoc of SA), will be holding workshops and meetings at the SAPA congress taking place in Durban, South Africa. The workshops will cover Epilepsy, Muscular Dystrophy and ADD by local and international speakers who will also speak at the congress.

In the meantime there is still the ACNA and ICNApedia websites to visit. Our next big event will be the ICNC in Amsterdam during the first week in May 2016. We have also secured a venue on the Monday 2nd May 2016 from 1530h. So if you are going to attend we hope that you will be able to join us there for a short meeting and get-together. Hopefully we will also be able to use this occasion to hand over to the President-elect, Prof Ahmed Ibrahim of Egypt.

  I wish you all every blessing over the holiday season. May you have a chance to rest and rejuvenate to return to treat and manage all the children we serve with renewed vigour and dedication next year. 

Best wishes
Prof André Venter
Immediate Past and acting President

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