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Updated November 24, 2012 8213 1
Annals of Neurology
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November 24, 2012 7155 0
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012 Nov;54(11):977-87. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04370.x. Epub 2012 Sep 5. Salivary gland botulinum toxin injections for drooling in children with cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental disability: a systematic review. Rodwell K, Edwards P, Ware RS, Boyd R. Source Queensland Paediatric Rehabilitation Service, The Royal Children's Hospital, Herston, Brisbane; School of Population Health, The University of Queensland, Brisbane; Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Abstract ...
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November 24, 2012 6112 1
Neurology. 2012 Aug 28;79(9):864-70. Epub 2012 Aug 15. The Pediatric Stroke Recurrence and Recovery Questionnaire: validation in a prospective cohort. Lo WD, Ichord RN, Dowling MM, Rafay M, Templeton J, Halperin A, Smith SE, Licht DJ, Moharir M, Askalan R, Deveber G; International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS) Investigators. Source Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
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Updated November 24, 2012 8755 0
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012 Nov;54(11)
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012 Nov;54(11):1018-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04404.x. Epub 2012 Aug 27. Septo-optic dysplasia in childhood: the neurological, cognitive and neuro-ophthalmological perspective. Signorini SG, Decio A, Fedeli C, Luparia A, Antonini M, Bertone C, Misefari W, Ruberto G, Bianchi PE, Balottin U. Source Centre of Child Neuro-ophthalmology, Unit of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, C. Mondino National Institute of Neurology, IRCCS, Pavia;  Department of Ophthalmology, IRCCS San Matteo Hospital, Pavia  University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
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Updated October 12, 2012 24210 1
Epilepsia 52 Suppl 3 ():5-11
A pathogenic role of immunity in epilepsies has long been suggested based on observations of the efficacy of immune-modulating treatments and, more recently, by the finding of inflammation markers including autoantibodies in individuals with a number of epileptic disorders. Clinical and experimental data suggest that both innate and adaptive immunity may be involved in epilepsy. Innate immunity represents an immediate, nonspecific host response against pathogens via activation of resident brain immune cells and inflammatory mediators. These are hypothesized to contribute to seizures and epileptogenesis. Adaptive immunity employs activation of antigen-specific B and T lymphocytes or antibodies in the context...
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Updated July 20, 2012 7503 0
Epilepsia. 2011 Apr;52(4):788-93
Intranasal administration of lorazepam is not found to be inferior to intravenous administration for termination of acute convulsive seizures in children
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Dr Paolo Curatolo
Dr Paolo Curatolo
Updated August 27, 2014 20182 1
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (2012)
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a leading genetic cause of epilepsy. TSC-associated epilepsy generally begins during the first year of life, and is associated with neurodevelopmental and cognitive problems. Management is challenging and seizures tend to persist in a large proportion of patients despite pharmacological and surgical treatment. This report summarizes the clinical recommendations for the management of TSCassociated epilepsy made by a panel of European experts in March 2012. Current treatment options and outstanding questions are outlined.
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Updated July 17, 2012 13681 0
Lancet Neurol. 2011 Dec;10(12):1065-73
In a recent study published in the Lancet Neurology, researchers from the Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Network have tried to identify MRI predictors of a subsequent MS diagnosis in a paediatric population using a standardised scoring method for MRI scans ( standardised 1.5 Tesla) from a national prospective incidence cohort of children under 16yrs of age with CNS demyelination.
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Updated November 26, 2012 7058 1
This article aims to provide a practical guide to the common causes of headache and their assessment in children. Contrary to popular belief, headaches are very common in children. The primary headache disorders, which include migraine and tension-type headache, account for the majority of headaches, while secondary headache, that is those with underlying pathology, are much less common. A thorough history and examination is the key to determining the cause and should be the most important means of reassuring the child and family that there is no serious cause for the headaches. To manage childhood headache you need to...
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Updated August 27, 2014 10642 1
Current Treatment Options in Neurology Dec 10, 2011
Status epilepticus is characterized by a prolonged, self-sustaining seizure or repeated seizures without return to baseline. The clinical manifestations of status epilepticus in children and adults range from overt generalized convulsions to more subtle behavioral manifestations, including unresponsiveness in the setting of the intensive care unit. Status epilepticus is the most common neurologic emergency of childhood. A large proportion of these episodes are the result of a prolonged febrile seizure or an acute symptomatic etiology.
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