First Paraguayan Child Neurology Meeting 2017

First Paraguayan Child Neurology Meeting 2017
August 2017
Type of meeting
Sociedad Paraguaya de Neurología Infantil (SOPANI)
Host / Organizer
Sociedad Paraguaya de Neurología Infantil (SOPANI)

The symposium consisted of didactic lectures delivered in a practical format.

Date: August/25-26/2017

Hosting Society:
Sociedad Paraguaya de Neurología Infantil (SOPANI)

Local Hosts:
Dr. Maria Eugenia de Doldán (President SOPANI)
Dr. Alicia Aldana MD

ICNA meeting organizer:
Jorge Vidaurre MD

Local organizer:
Alicia Aldana MD

100 participants

Type of participants:
Pediatric Neurologists (13)
Pediatric Neurology Residents
Audiologists- Speech therapists


Panel of speakers and speaker affiliations:
1. Agustin Legido MD, PhD, MBA (Division chief, Sn. Cristopher’s Hospital for Children, Drexel University College of Medicine) 
2. Karen Skjei MD ( Director Epilepsy, University of Louisville, Kentucky)
3. Alcy Torres MD (Boston Medical Center, Boston University)
4. Jorge Vidaurre MD ( Director Clinical Neurophysiology Program, Nationwide Children’s Hospital - The Ohio State University)

Outcomes/Future Plans:
1. Total support from Paraguayan Child Neurology Society
2. Good facilities with appropriate audiovisual equipment
3. Successful meeting with active participation of audience.
4. Talks presented as scheduled.
5. Speakers were very engaging and talks presented in a very practical format.
6. Very positive comments from audience. Meeting achieved goals and exceeded expectations
7. Pedicatric Neurology Society of Paraguay asked for the support of ICNA-CNS in the organization of educational activity, specially EEG workshops and teleconferences.

Note: Special recognition to the Pediatric Neurology Society of Paraguay for all their efforts with the organization of this successful meeting. Dr. Alicia Carolina Aldana and Dr. Maria Eugenia de Doldán were vital for the organization of this educational activity


Meeting in Asunción, Paraguay 2017
Meeting in Asunción, Paraguay 2017. In the center: Drs Agustin Legido,      Karen Skjei, Alcy Torres and Maria Eugenia de Doldán. First line      standing: Dr.  Alicia Carolina Aldana
From left to right: Dr. Alcy Torres, Dr. Agustin Legido and  Dr. Karen Skjei
Dr. Agustin Legido delivering a talk in Asunción, Paraguay

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