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Cases with Seizures During Routine Video Electroencephalography: Clinical and Electroencephalographic Characteristics

Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the clinical and ictal recording characteristics of patients who had seizures during routine video electroencephalography (EEG) at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Neurology. Methods: The data of children aged 0-18 years whose sleep-wake short term video-EEG was recorded in the pediatric neurology EEG laboratory between January 2021 and January 2022 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Seizure activity was present in 38 (2.7%) of 1401 EEG recordings. These 38 activities were observed in 32 cases with a mean age of 9 years and 8 months (1-18 years), of which 65% (n:21) were female. Seizure onset was 37% (n:14) generalized non-motor (absence), 21% (n:8) unknown onset, 21% (n:8) focal motor, 21% (n:8) generalized motor. Seizure types were 37% (n: 14) typical absence, 21% (n: 8) tonic, 13% (n: 5) generalized tonic-clonic, 10% (n: 4) atypical absence, 5% (n: 2) myoclonic , 3% (n: 1) clonic, 3% (n: 1) automatism, 3% (n: 1) behavior arrest, 3% (n: 1) epileptic spasm and 2% (n: 1) psychogenic non-epileptic seizure. Of the cases, 58% (n:22) were seizure free with monotherapy and 42% (n:16) had refractory epilepsy. Conclusion: Although unlikely to detect an ictal event during routine video EEG, it is very useful for seizure classification and treatment evaluation in situations where seizures can be detected.
Keywords: Epilepsy; Seizure; Ictal; EEG; Pediatric

Aysen Gok


Cagatay Gunay


Duygu Aykol


Mehmet can Yesilmen


Semra Hız Kurul


Uluc Yis




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