ICNA President-Elect Elections 2024 are currently underway. All eligible voters (ICNA Full Members) have been emailed their unique voting credentials. All voting is done via the secure platform at https://icnapedia.org/pe2024. The voting site will remain open until 2400hrs GMT on 1 May 2024.

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Charles NewtonDear Colleagues

I hope that you are well and keeping safe in these unprecedented times. COVID-19 has had a major impact across the world, affecting all of us, but particularly those of us who care for the children of vulnerable populations. There are positive aspects to come out of the pandemic, with increased collaboration and care for our communities, opportunity to reflect on our practices. For ICNA, the most profound consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will be the impact on the biannual conferences which is the major source of income for ICNA, but also improved telecommunications which has accentuated reaching out to many more people, particularly those that could not travel to meetings.

If I am elected as President, besides the aims set out in the attached statement, I will endeavour to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19 by raising funds from sources not usually accessed by ICNA and improving telecommunications of ICNA activities. I have a track record of raising funds (over 65 million dollars over the last 30 years for research and charity) and will concentrate my efforts to raise funds for ICNA activities. Over the last few months, I have been involved in developing educational material for webinars, conducting symposiums and workshops over the internet as part of my university and for other organisations.

I have been an active member of ICNA since 1998 when I first presented at the International Child Association Congress in Slovenia. Since 2002 I have served Executive Board, sitting on following committees: Research (2002 – 2018); Technology (2002 – 2014); and Education (2002– 2006): Search Committee for Chief Editor of the Child Neurology Knowledge Environment (2003); Editor of the International Review of Child Neurology Series (2006 – 2014), Selection Committee for the Sheila Wallace Award: (2003 – present). In addition I am the founding editor of Journal of International Child Neurology Association, took over the chair of the Scientific Committee for the 15th International Congress of Child Neurology due to illness to the appointed chair. I am deeply honoured to have my contributions to Global Child Neurology recognised by ICNA with the Frank Ford Award (the most prestigious award by ICNA).

I have attached my vision for ICNA and a biographic chapter written for the Child Neurology: Its Origins, Founders, Growth and Evolution by colleagues.

It is important that the ICNA membership takes an active role in the development of the association and I urge you to vote in this election.

Take care wherever you are.

cnewton sig

Charles Newton MBChB (UCT), MA (Oxford), FRCP (London), MD (UCT), FRCPCH
Cheryl and Reece Scott Professor of Psychiatry
University of Oxford, UK
Head of Neurosciences
Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme
Kilifi, Kenya

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