ICNA President-Elect Elections 2024 are currently underway. All eligible voters (ICNA Full Members) have been emailed their unique voting credentials. All voting is done via the secure platform at https://icnapedia.org/pe2024. The voting site will remain open until 2400hrs GMT on 1 May 2024.

Object identification in cerebral visual impairment characterized by gaze behavior and image saliency analysis

Individuals with cerebral visual impairment (CVI) have difficulties identifying common objects, especially when presented as cartoons or abstract images. In this study, participants were shown a series of images of ten common objects, each from five possible categories ranging from abstract black & white line drawings to color photographs. Fifty individuals with CVI and 50 neurotypical controls verbally identified each object and success rates and reaction times were collected. Visual gaze behavior was recorded using an eye tracker to quantify the extent of visual search area explored and number of fixations.

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